Example sentences of "and [verb] its [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Within months Murdoch had revamped Collins and given its most important author the full hype .
2 The PCI repudiated its previous adherence to Lenin 's insurrectionary road to socialism , declared its permanent attachment to multi-party politics and complete acceptance of liberal constitutional rules , and renounced its hitherto unswerving support for Soviet foreign policy .
3 The concern to strengthen the democratic element within the British constitution poses a direct challenge to the authorities who seek to reinvigorate the " balanced " constitution of Crown , Lords , and Commons , and finds its most obvious expression in the commitment to abolish the House of Lords .
4 This well known fact was somehow never discussed in public by the girls , for public admission of it would have destroyed and inhibited its oddly private thrill , and would have shamed the vain ones into cowering in their cubicles , as the timid and modest already did .
5 Increasing support for Hamas in the " occupied territories " , and especially in its heartlands in the squalid refugee camps of the Gaza Strip , also posed a serious threat to the mainstream Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) which had opposed Hamas demands to withdraw from the peace talks and embrace its more militant approach .
6 It carried accounts of the debates in the British Parliament as well as reports on local cricket matches , and leavened its rather serious tone with Victorian English jokes .
7 Others , more cynical , practised ‘ chameleonism ’ and declared themselves Republicans in the hope of taming the Republic ; most of these attached themselves to the Radical Party , helping to turn it into , in effect , the conservative party of the Republic and increase its already considerable reputation for political and financial corruption .
8 Eliot said Ayling believed the sale of the lease would have brought the paper the huge sum of money it needed to refurbish the part of the building it was to retain and to update its rather old-fashioned equipment .
9 My parents still live there and my father loves it and shares its faintly ridiculous pride .
10 He walks out of the shrine without looking at the crowd , picks up one of the lambs , frightened and bleating , and carries its almost weightless body round to the side of the shrine .
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