Example sentences of "and [verb] on [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 For the nursery class , the researcher studied and commented on the data and then discussed what emerged with the staff .
2 Similarly teams of medical advisers were brought down to William Osborne to inspect and comment on the level and location of medical equipment so that as the boat was built the right equipment was installed in the right place .
3 in our house if one of you 's in the bathroom in the bath like if Russell 's in the bath I go and sit on the toilet and talk to him and the dog 's in there as well and you ca n't move .
4 They took turns to walk around inside and sit on the bunks and then George left to go home for tea .
5 The palm branch was broken and placed on the grave and the cakes and bread distributed .
6 As soon as possible , he was on his own again , moving from place to place , sleeping rough in barns , in caves , or in the open , and depending on the support and generosity of the common people for succour and sustenance , repaying them with prayer and preaching .
7 Depending on their flair and the quality of their training they will need differing degrees of support , and depending on the school and the LEA they will either get it or not .
8 I would n't mind , but it 's normally me that goes and sleeps on the settee and I do n't see why I should .
9 A former chairman of Meirionnydd FUW , he has been a long-serving member of the union 's finance and executive committee and sits on the Meat and Livestock Commission 's sheep technical committee and research and development sub-committee .
10 A more recent reappraisal took place in the early 1980s when the decision was taken to shed the foods side of the business and concentrate on the confectionery and soft drinks divisions .
11 During testing the important thing is to ignore what everyone is saying and concentrate on the bike and the new season .
12 She told herself to be sensible , and concentrate on the food and the others around the table , but all the same she could feel a soft , trembling excitement building inside her .
13 Indeed the gentry prefer to leave business to the professionals ( 'those damn usurers ' ) and concentrate on the arts and natural sciences , religious speculation and , of course , a little hunting .
14 Shall I go and knock on the door and ask ?
15 Then the king returned with the pope to St Peter 's and there placed the sceptre and diadem on the altar and received from the pope the papal banner and offered his kingdom to Peter , the prince of the apostles .
16 we 'll show you now how to put on a pressure bandage for severe bleeding and then we 'll put the film on and you can see the whole lot again , okay , so just be in the room if you just push and push and push on the window and er the hand has gone through the window , right , and there 's no glass imbedded but it 's cut right across the palm and the reason that we show you this one is because the artery that feeds all these fingers comes and the thumb comes up in an arch like that okay , so the artery comes down , up in an arch across the palm of the hand , so the fingers and thumb all get a blood supply , so when you cut the palm of your hand there is a lot of blood pumping out , okay , so what 's the first thing I 'd tell her to do ?
17 It is my duty to report to you , the members — effectively shareholders — on our financial year just passed , in terms of financial results , significant events and to comment on the health and future prospects of the Association .
18 She will lecture and demonstrate on the preparations and finishing techniques which will ensure that your garments have a professional finished appearance .
19 Drugs were also seized and police say it was part of a long term campaign , codenamed Operation Lucy and targeted on a guns and drug network .
20 Somewhere , party glasses slid from a table and shattered on the floor and one of the computer consoles fell from the end of its desk with splintering impact .
21 One possible course of action is simply to leave the OED and completed Supplement as they are , a record of the vocabulary of English up to the late twentieth century but no more , and to concentrate on the production and revision of other smaller dictionaries .
22 One of the points that distinguishes Green from many of the artists who made prints of the Lake District at this period was the fact that he was one of the few who prepared and drew on the plates and etched the images himself .
23 It was n't real till it was let out and tried on the air and approved .
24 Effective management requires accurate timber inventories , data on productivity and predictions of future growth ; determination of the rotation age , which is the age of a stand at harvest , is also crucial and depends on the species and the time period required for optimum growth .
25 They sang and stamped and danced on the earth and shook the petals in their hair and beards to make the warriors laugh at their travesty and forget the nearness of the dead .
26 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
27 When the man had had his face washed ( by stella ) and been given a drink , and one of the barmen had called for a taxi , Mother got right up and got on the stage and told Gary she was ready for her song now .
28 ‘ There was peach cup — that was very good ; and we played guessing games and I won three times and later on they rolled up the carpet — figuratively — we just went out on the terrace and turned on the gramophone and danced . ’
29 One night , she got up and turned on the light and looked at the sweet , bland face of Jesus , the Light of the World , in the picture over the mantelpiece .
30 But I saw him with his cap full of golden sovereigns and turned on the table and lent them all he 'd got .
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