Example sentences of "and [verb] it the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The German army itself was in theory a composite force of Prussian , Saxon , Bavarian and Württemberger troops ; this diversity meant little more than differences of name and uniform , for the Prussian staff controlled the whole apparatus as a unified system and made it the best army in the world .
2 This position put its schools in the forefront and made it the leading school of Europe from the 1140s , until Paris began to take the lead in theology and philosophy ( but never in law ) in the 1180s .
3 Well Julie went and got it the other day that 's why fetched her out , to get their presents .
4 Under Rachel 's serene autocracy the firemen agreed that there was nothing much to be done now , that the house seemed safe enough but they should not use the attic until someone ‘ from the department ’ had been and inspected it the next day .
5 According to Maybury-Lewis ( 1971 : 33–6 ) , the Shavante , both men and women , have a passion for meat , and consider it the prime delicacy : in fact , however , they subsist primarily on wild roots , nuts , and fruits from the collecting trips of women .
6 In the evening of Valentine 's Day , do take two white oak leaves , and lay them across your pillow , when you go to bed , putting on a clean shift or shirt , and turning it the wrong side outwards , lay down and say these words aloud , ‘ Good Valentine be kind to me , in dreams let me my true love see . ’
7 It 's usual to hang ceiling paper parallel with the main window in the room , but if you 're tackling the job for the first time and the room is noticeably shorter in one dimension , you may find it easier to manage shorter lengths and hang it the other way .
8 He let the minion struggle and kick for a little while , then hoisted it back out , shook it , and turned it the right way up again .
9 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
10 For them , the solution to the problem of pro-government bias is simple : the broadcasters should treat government and governing party as one and the same , and give it the same coverage as the main opposition party .
11 The Americans went nuts over it and awarded it the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film .
12 Fortunately the judges agreed , and awarded it the first prize .
13 it is generally best to quote the nearest authority first and to allot it the most space , the other cases can be brought more casually into the discussion , as you have time .
14 Somebody who lives nearby , came in and examined it the other day , and that 's all I know .
15 The ‘ keys ’ or trigger features required to ‘ unlock ’ these two types of cell are rather simple — it is just a matter of applying a small stimulus in the right place , and giving it the correct sign , an increase for one and a decrease for the other .
16 Ian : I turn it round and try it the other way .
17 We made the necessary arrangements with the owner and viewed it the next day .
18 ‘ I 'm sure we should reverse things and do it the other way around as the Americans do but it certainly means we can hit our irons well and , believe me , this course is going to demand exceptional iron play .
19 So , while the electrician is making a new connection , we ( including the managers from the office ! ) decided to find the shovels and do it the hard way .
20 Reliability is much to , much more to do with replicability , it 's , it 's another if another researcher went in and did it the same way , would they get the same results ?
21 After they have gone to the ball , Cinderella , with a giggle , picks up her broom and gives it the same lesson , using it as a partner .
22 Write it out in full , reflect on it overnight and polish it the next day .
23 The German magazine Die Stern had also bought rights to the letter , and published it the next day , with a lengthy translation and a headline proclaiming , ‘ Drink , Birds and Politics — Prince Confesses . ’
24 It is a nice feeling to be in a candy store but until you decide what you want and buy it the nice feeling does not turn into a nice taste .
25 Its texture adds fashion appeal and makes it the perfect partner for a summer suit .
26 The Norwegian military attache , Alfred Roscher Lund , had graduated there in ‘ 37 , and considered it the perfect cover and a fine recruiting ground .
27 No I 'll keep it for when I have my money and I 'll go down to Cardiff and spend it the bloody lot .
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