Example sentences of "and [verb] it [det] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Every few miles his suitcase bounced out the back of the cart and Tock became annoyed at having to stop and collect it all the time .
2 It is a three-day journey to the land of Moriah , yet he cuts the wood for Isaac 's funeral pyre before he sets off , and takes it all the way with him .
3 They breakfasted , then picked up the autobahn at Leipzig and followed it all the way to Dresden .
4 Marc slid it off and trailed it all the way back along her inner arm as he withdrew his own .
5 Yeah yeah a good Da Dave manages Doncaster now he 's an ex manager of Walsall as well We lived at the Brown Lion at the time and er , I , I was out the front on the Saturday evening and I er manager 's just been to fetch his Sunday joint from the local butchers and he shouted across the road to his pal how have they got on , cos there was no radio in those days , and er he says they 've won two nil and the man dropped his meat in front of him and dribbled it all the way down the road , it was such excitement it was of course all people over the moon .
6 He 'd seen it in a junk-shop in Edinburgh and brought it all the way down .
7 He had a good head for numbers , and recited it all the way down St Martin 's Lane and into Monmouth Street ; then he went in a shop for a coffee and wrote it down on one of the paper napkins .
8 Because this one , you could chopping and changing it all the time , it 's very an administrative nightmare
9 She could put all but the most essential tasks off until the next day , or the next , and did it all the time .
10 Well he should of carried it home and carried it all the way back again
11 With a strangled cry of rage and disgust , Mala grasped the top of her ragged costume and yanked it all the way down to her waist .
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