Example sentences of "and [verb] as [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ means ‘ I 'm going to carry on and behave as I always do even if it does n't suit you . ’
2 chairman Ray Hardman says that money will be made available for Glenn Hoddle to buy players and he will wheel and deal as he usually does to get the men he wants
3 She mumbled something and blushed as she hastily climbed into the car .
4 Fran tried the cupboard , but found only dishes , and smiled as she immediately tried the next one along , reaching for the handle at the same moment as Luke came across to help her .
5 Eventually he pushed his hand inside her brassiere and began kneading one of her breasts , but instead of responding she lay motionless and waited as she always did ; gradually the movements of his hand grew slower , the rhythm of his breathing more regular , and when at last he lay still she disentangled his hand from her twisted clothing and slipped out from underneath him .
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