Example sentences of "and [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The greatest challenge is public education in order to reduce fear and to promote a better understanding of the aims of services .
2 They are also extremely vocal , calling and bellowing a good deal of the time .
3 Attempts to reconcile these two decisions have expanded human ingenuity and expended an unconscionable amount of time , effort and paper .
4 A major part of the Conservative agenda has been to undermine socialism and develop a contemporary form of laissez-faire market economics , to move Britain from a culture of dependency to the enterprise culture .
5 Even if the primary focus is the needs of an older person , the counsellor can not afford to ‘ take sides ’ , but should instead aim to help the whole family face up to and develop a wider understanding of the problems and difficulties that exist in old age , and in caring for older people .
6 Secondly , their underrating of the ‘ caesaristic ’ elements of Hitler 's mass charismatic base meant that , far from providing a new foundation for the power of the traditional élites , as they had hoped , the plebiscitary acclamation of the Führer enabled Hitler 's own power to detach itself from its likely shackles and develop a high degree of relative autonomy , at the same time reducing former dominant groups like the army from ‘ power-élites ’ proper to merely ‘ functional élites ’ , unable to check Hitler himself and the ‘ wild men ’ of the Nazi Movement , even when wishing to do so .
7 For these and other linguistic and cultural reasons it is relatively easy for the speaker of one Bantu language to learn another and develop a high level of competence in it .
8 It denies that it is sliding out of its responsibility towards archaeological sites : ‘ Our archaeological activities will still continue and remain a vital part of our work ’ .
9 If you seriously wish to lose your weight then it is most sensible to do it by looking carefully at your diet and eating a good balance of carbohydrates and protein with a reduced fat content .
10 It was necessary either to retain the existing records system and recruit an additional member of the clerical team , or to tackle the problem -employee record keeping and reporting — at source , and create a more efficient and appropriate information system .
11 Skilled players may choose to hook gently or draw the shot by aiming down the right side of the fairway and encouraging an early rotation of the right hand over the left prior to impact .
12 Ella Burrows , ever the angel of mercy , organised the girls Into baking tins of biscuits and cakes , and knitting a constant supply of jumpers and balaclavas for the menfolk .
13 Similarly , if a child with bacterial diarrhoea is taken to a health clinic and prescribed a necessary course of antibiotics , the mother might be unwilling to give them to the child if her hot/cold classification of the antibiotics conflicts with her classification of the type of diarrhoea .
14 To enable researchers to report back on the results of recently completed research in the Scottish courts to an invited audience comprising the various branches of the legal profession , policy makers concerned with the administration of justice , pressure group and voluntary organisations and to stimulate an informed discussion of key findings .
15 Even Green did wonder why a better path could not have been made and recommended a little landscaping of trees and rocks which blocked the views of Stock Ghyll force .
16 The development of the Somerset AEC both accords with and constitutes a practical example of the Home Office 's recent guidance to sentencers :
17 GRAEME Hick threw off his straightjacket yesterday — and led an incredible blitz of World Cup champions Pakistan to clinch the Texaco Trophy series .
18 ARGENTINA is paying a Swiss company more than $100 million to develop and build a new type of remotely controlled torpedo .
19 France imported considerable numbers in the 1850s and 1860s and became a useful reservoir of lines which were later extinct in England .
20 Bobby rejoined his former Swindon boss , Bert head , at Selhurst Park and became a prominent member of Palace 's sides in the late 1960s .
21 For a while the breed flourished and became a regular winner of dairy-class prizes , but the Second World War saw the start of a decline , though the breed society was revitalised in 1948 .
22 Ian was a bright young striker who , after helping the Palace Juniors win the FA Youth Cup in 1977 , forced his way into the League side and became a key member of our 1979 2nd Division Championship line-ups , scoring several invaluable goals , including the first one in the decisive victory over Burnley which clinched the title in the final game of the season .
23 His father having died in 1216 , Peter spent many years as William 's ward , and became a lifelong friend of his son , Walter de Cantilupe [ q.v. ] , bishop of Worcester from 1238 to 1265 .
24 In the District these were organised and developed by George Pateman at Cheshunt College for several years , and became a distinctive feature of summer programmes .
25 And behold , he shrivelled and withered under their eyes , and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder .
26 Cancer research had a long tradition of support from private contributions , but new charities devoted to particular diseases , such as arthritis and rheumatism , leukaemia , and muscular dystrophy , were founded and became a great source of strength to workers whose interests had or might have application to the desired objectives .
27 The sell-out concept was inherited by all Right-On people , and became a central part of their thinking .
28 This is due largely to the fact that doctors were able to organize themselves into a professional group before the state intervened in medicine and became a major employer of medical practitioners .
29 James was terrified of witchcraft and became a ruthless persecutor of anyone suspected of it .
30 Somewhere in the period between the time that early man first made for himself a ‘ god ’ , and the time when evidence of ‘ god ’ worship was left for later generations to find , the use of ‘ gods ’ for purposes which were largely intended to create unfair privileges , and were therefore a source of evil , gradually crept in and became a widespread part of the social scene .
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