Example sentences of "and [verb] the [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 First divide the date on the rug by 33 — the Muslim year is approximately unc ( or 11 days ) shorter than the Gregorian year — and subtract the result from the original date .
2 In a statement released to journalists after the camp fell the KNU said that the government forces had crossed into Thailand and attacked the camp with artillery and ground forces from the rear : " If the Myanma soldiers had not crossed the border into Thailand and attacked the camp from the rear they would never have taken it " .
3 As the sun rose higher , shortening the shadows and drawing the dew from the grass , most of the rabbits came wandering back to the sun-flecked shade among the cow-parsley along the edge of the ditch .
4 However , the flight was extremely enjoyable and we travelled low enough almost to touch the antlers of the wild moose that were in the area and to see the countryside from the most advantageous position .
5 Where Whisky Galore ( 1948 , Tight Little Island in US ) depicts a Scottish community determined to outwit officialdom and salvage the whisky from a shipwrecked boat , The Man in the White Suit ( 1951 ) treads into that tricky area for British filmmakers , industrial relations , to suggest that when workers and management come together , it may have more to do with their own selfish interests than those of the broader community .
6 It is difficult to see why head office should he delighted at the prospect of losing the control they have hitherto exerted and enjoying the cash-flow from the healthy divisions .
7 Page sixteen structural maintenance of local roads erm I know that there is some possibility that er groups will propose an increase er a reduction in in that area and to increase the contribution from the management reserve fund .
8 I put on a jersey and jacket and lay with head and shoulders propped against a locker , eating sardines and mopping the oil from the can with fresh bread .
9 Some leading exponents of the popular movement believed that if large quantities of money were sent to support the Uprising they would , instead , destroy it by creating political jealousies and deflecting the Uprising from the central theme of self-reliance .
10 An entire commission came in by bus from Benghazi and changed the locale from the football club to the playground of a school which had one entrance , telephones and offices where any necessary discussion could be held in private .
11 Duncan unlocked the door and supervised the fuelling from a small bowser as Myeloski made himself comfortable in the rear seat .
12 We hired a pedalo on the man-made Lac St Croix at the western end of the gorge and explored the gorge from the river .
13 It then took some time to raise the heavy engine and cut the rope from the propeller , but I finally managed it before drifting ashore .
14 The news of the death of their leader was concealed from the Scots and Sinclair hoisted the Douglas banner and drove the English from the field .
15 The other was a great plan for improved relations : sometimes going no further than better intelligence on a crucial country , sometimes an all-embracing scheme for encouraging moderate successors to Khomeini and saving the country from the Soviet camp .
16 Usually Pete liked to look down and watch the traffic from the window in the living room but today he bobbed about in the kitchen until Mum filled the basin with hot soapy water and scrubbed the driving wheel clean .
17 I heave on the baseball bat , and wrench the chain from the big guy 's hand .
18 If that happened we could then try to purify and isolate the morphogen from the mixture — but we had no luck .
19 This is due to the fact that the capacitors can not simultaneously pass on their charge to the next stage and receive the charge from the previous stage .
20 Open the handwheel valve at one end of the radiator , and remove the cap from the lockshield valve at the other end .
21 The branches above murmured to each other and refracted the light from the street lamps into kaleidoscopic shapes on the pavement , shades of concrete grey , forming and reforming , overlapping and separating .
22 When she had picked up all her parcels and disentangled the umbrella from the bonnet of a fierce-looking old lady , she went up to them at a more decorous pace , and joined in their unfeeling laughter .
23 The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust was delighted , and secured the lease from a sympathetic British Rail .
24 This trial has shown that elemental diet , when tolerated , is as effective as prednisolone in treating acute Crohn 's disease in the short term , and confirms the result from the original study of O'Morain et al .
25 Amateurs adapted to the muddy conditions better than the visitors and dominated the game from the start .
26 Return the meat to the pan and add the juice from the mushrooms with the garlic and Tabasco sauce .
27 I sat down beside Mrs Hobbs and faced the view from the terrace .
28 The Prime Minister 's latest ambition is to close the ozone gap and save the world from the greenhouse effect .
29 The young cuckoo hatches before the reed warblers and ejects the competition from the nest .
30 Let's climb the Red Mountain , and watch the world from the pinnacle . ’
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