Example sentences of "of his [noun] [conj] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 It is a most important matter that a councillor should not take advantage of his position and use it for his own personal gain .
2 He guided her hand to the hard surface of his chest and placed it above his heart .
3 ‘ What are you doing ? ’ he asked conversationally , divesting himself of his jacket and slinging it over the sofa .
4 He said that he did not think that it was a high priority to ask the Home Secretary to take £40 million out of his budget and put it on to the Secretary of State for Transport 's budget .
5 Prentice got out of his Escort and locked it , then pointed to the gates of the school yard .
6 He undid the buttons of his shirt and shrugged it from his shoulders , letting it fall unheeded to the floor .
7 He shrugs off the jacket of his suit and drapes it over the back of a chair .
8 Mr Hellyer straightened up , moved his cap to the back of his head and scratched it .
9 I have seized him by the hair of his head And shoved it into a bucket of water And I screwed his pistols up his arse A dam sight harder than I screwed his daughter ( Rum ti-iddle-ey etc ) .
10 We were waiting for Alfred to drop he gun , I do n't know how we knew he had one but we knew , and slowly he took it out of his waist and dropped it .
11 The squire 's white velvet purse had weighed him down , and though he had slipped it out of his jerkin and felt it sink past his feet , coins still seemed to be clinging to his armpit .
12 His eyes twinkled and he brought a card out of his wallet and handed it to her .
13 Pascoe fished some money out of his wallet and handed it over .
14 Cranston took the greasy piece of parchment out of his wallet and handed it over .
15 Mr. Occhi got into the taxi , took £1 out of his wallet and gave it to the appellant who then , the wallet being still open , took a further £6 out of it .
16 Turning down the collar of his raincoat and arranging it to expose his clerical collar — for he was not ashamed of his calling — Mark entered the shop .
17 He took an unconcerned mouthful of his whisky and rolled it in his mouth as he smiled and told her , ‘ Alas , you see , your brother and I have crossed swords again . ’
18 He leans forward and picks up one of his legs and pulls it right out from his trousers .
19 He sprinkled some snuff on the back of his hand and sniffed it .
20 Bobby grabbed hold of his hand and held it tightly : Minton turned his face to the wall and began to sob .
21 Kragan moved his hand over the butt of his revolver and loosened it in its holster .
22 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
23 Whilst his companion 's back was turned , Tuppe swiped one of his sausages and thrust it into his mouth .
24 He blew the top of his tea and sipped it .
25 Alexei undid the wire fastenings down the front of his tunic and pulled it over his head .
26 The Prince swirled the ice in the bottom of his glass and inspected it .
27 Even in the midst of his fear and strain it occurred to him that Dandelion must be very fast : he had covered the distance in a flash .
28 Every so often he took a square-shaped flask from the inside pocket of his coat and stuck it to his lips like a trumpet .
29 Then he dived down to the pool of water at the front of his cage and splashed it here and there .
30 Svend Larsen pushed a pile of papers to one side of his desk , took a platter of open sandwiches from the top of his bookcase and set it down between Elisabeth and himself .
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