Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er , the following three pages of the papers sent out to members still stand , but there is some confusion in the numbering on er , the first page of the rest of the report , and there was a section missed out on the second page of the report which er , we 've inserted in the new papers there .
2 One in nine of the operations carried out in the region now are done privately , and that 's actually one in three in some parts of .
3 Many of the operations carried out by the sponsor are typical of small-batch operations in large sectors of UK manufacturing and one of the aims of this stage of the research is the derivation of a systematic analysis of production operations in order to gauge the economic potential of fully automated operations .
4 Hundreds gather on the platforms at Hof station , Bavaria , holding sheets of paper with names aloft on sticks , anxiously scanning the faces of the crowds pouring out of the trains , just as Germans did when millions fled before the advancing Russians or the avenging Poles and Czechs at the end of the war .
5 These are just some of the projects carried out by volunteers from local conservation groups in Essex .
6 It is part of the daily truck in street markets ; it the kind of thing which turns on the average car dealer ; it is part and parcel of many of the transactions carried out in the building trade and cash or at least early settlement means a better price for the retailer when negotiating with a manufacturer .
7 This brings us to the third , and for our purposes the most significant , of the problems laid out at the start of this section .
8 The concern of the clearinghouses turned out to be unfounded .
9 Whilst we may agree , at your request , to release a draft of our report at any stage prior to completion of the services set out in this letter , the suitability of a draft for release is a matter for our judgement , and we reserve the right not to release a draft it , if in our view , release is not appropriate .
10 ( iii ) the business does not offer in England and Wales any of the services set out in paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) to ( j ) of this rule .
11 Recently the government has started to implement policies which extend this principle to many of the services carried out by local authorities and by health authorities .
12 Watering of the services turned out to be a job when the Standard 4 drained the Aberystwyth water tank and it took four trips for the local fire brigade to water Hinton Manor .
13 An inefficient management must either improve its performance , or face the consequences of the shareholders selling out to an alternative managerial team .
14 It will be seen that English law does this up to a point , and in the process seems to accept social-defence arguments as reasons for departing from several of the principles set out in Chapter 3 .
15 Together with their partners in other member states , local authorities will need to seek the full implementation of the principles set out in the European Charter of Local Self-Government .
16 For those tha who are not to familiar with , the initials P P G , it stands for planning policy guidance , and there are a whole series of these guidance notes produced by the Department of the Environment for the er advice guidance of , well not only the local planning authorities but anyone else who is interested in the development business , and they are expressions of , I suppose government policy , er and their attitudes towards various aspects , whether it 's countryside , housing , trans or transport , and they do pro provide a useful backcloth , in fact an extremely valuable backcloth to the way in which er this matter should be considered , erm I know from the submission which North Yorkshire County Council have used they would say that the fact they have n't had regard to all this er , but I would like to carry on the discussion against that background , and could you direct your thinking at this stage about the need for a new settlement in the light of the principles spelt out in P P G three and particularly paragraph thirty three .
17 An admiralty action is one which falls within the County Courts ' Admiralty jurisdiction , that is any action where a plaintiff brings one or more of the claims set out in CCA 1984 , s 27 .
18 She banged against the crate heavily and the one on top of it which had been badly placed fell onto the ground so that some of the bananas spilled out around her feet .
19 The justice will then either form one of the opinions set out in subsection ( 5 ) , and if he does so , go on to decide whether to remand the defendant in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , or if the justice feels unable to form one of the opinions set out in the subsection , he will order the defendant to be released on bail on the same terms as were originally imposed .
20 The justice will then either form one of the opinions set out in subsection ( 5 ) , and if he does so , go on to decide whether to remand the defendant in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , or if the justice feels unable to form one of the opinions set out in the subsection , he will order the defendant to be released on bail on the same terms as were originally imposed .
21 Secondly , it means that the person who has been arrested under section 7(3) of the Act of 1976 by a constable without warrant has the matter resolved one way or the other within 24 hours , or sooner if practicable , subject to the exceptions of Christmas Day , Good Friday and Sundays , and the prosecution , if they wish a remand in custody or the imposition of more stringent conditions , must make sure that they have within that time period sufficient material to place before the justice to enable the justice to form one of the opinions set out in section 7(5) .
22 Several of the youngsters cried out in fright and clung to one another .
23 Yesterday , she again said that 9 out of 10 of the journeys carried out by ambulance workers were concerned with non-emergency work .
24 The rarity of artefacts found during excavations of such farms not only affects the archaeologist 's ability to date the buildings , but also makes it extremely difficult to understand the details of the activities carried out on the farm .
25 The authorities hastened to present details of the detentions carried out since mid-January , which had attracted concerned comment from both Algerian and international human rights organizations .
26 An alternative way of looking at it would perhaps be to say the Greater York Area is that area within ten miles of the city centre as is indicated by the third of the criteria set out in policy H two .
27 At the other end of the age range employees who have not taken advantage of the incentives to contract out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) should do so before they dwindle away altogether .
28 Apart from the shame of being kept in like a naughty schoolboy , the constant automatic repetition of the lines taken out of the context of the play could often lodge them in the leakiest actor 's mind .
29 Does the Secretary of State agree that the staff of the national health service are dedicated and caring and have achieved many of the aims spelt out in that glossy document ?
30 In terms of the aims set out in 1955 , it can be said that green belt policies have been fairly successful .
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