Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [verb] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Lady Macbeth provides Macbeth with the determination he requires when she hears of the witches prophesy and her husband 's title of ‘ Thane of Cawdor ’ , she immediately begins planning Duncan 's murder .
2 They were three quarters of the way through the meal when Caspar , who did not miss anything any of the giants said and who had , in fact , long since perfected the art of listening to three different conversations at once , suddenly went rather white and made frantic gestures to Fenella .
3 Then one of the others came and he helped me rehang the curtain and move the damaged screen . ’
4 I run one of the self-help groups that one of the ladies mentioned and we looked at an outsize catalogue recently and it went up to size twenty six and in some cases up to a size thirty and the ladies who modelled the clothes were no bigger than a twelve , possibly a fourteen , but a very shapely fourteen !
5 Through verbal mediation it is able to fix some of the criteria applied and something of the meaning extracted in the perception of art .
6 Some of the boys followed and we went down into the basement and I turned the phonograph on as loud as it would play .
7 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
8 She thought of the Germans landing and her grandmother running away with her things on a cart like a refugee in a newspaper picture .
9 The entire collection will be shown in chronological order over a period of five years and each display will involve the restoration of the objects involved and their addition to a technical catalogue covering every object .
10 He kept the Wharfedale Inn where most of the cricketers met and it was in the front room of that establishment that the idea was developed .
11 But none of the shops delivers and there 's no village store around here . ’
12 ‘ One of the partners dies and it 's often very difficult for the one left alone with the big garden , particularly if they do n't drive . ’
13 And we were just gettin' on our feet , three of the lads workin' and himself bringin' it in , at least what 's left after his Friday night dos .
14 Moreover , as far as possible these units have to be planned with the knowledge of the personalities involved and their likely responses to the exercise .
15 The local communities had to pay for the equipment of the men selected and their expenses until they reached the county boundary , after which they served at the king 's wages .
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