Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] women " in BNC.

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1 Women generally , and younger women particularly , are , it seems , becoming more aware of the disadvantaged position of women within our present society .
2 in view of the prominent part taken by the women 's movement and of the general position of women in society , it was not surprising that women felt particularly strongly on such issues .
3 This is because the drainage of the genital region in women is more often to groups of lymph glands in the pelvis , and their involvement is not likely to be obvious .
4 She visited the United States a second time in 1902 , as a founding member , with Susan B. Anthony , of the International Council of Women .
5 Well erm this anxiety neurosis erm dominated much of the printed material in women 's magazines .
6 During the war she was a member of the consumers ' council of the Ministry of Food and of the Central Committee on Women 's Training and Employment .
7 Jacqui Lait , of the European Union of Women , attacked Labour 's proposal for a minimum wage .
8 The Salvadorean Popular Church has placed particular emphasis on the need to promote women 's equality , both in terms of the traditional exclusion of women religious workers from certain liturgical responsibilities and in society in general : " Women of course have played a subordinate role within the Church but Mns Romero took up our cause .
9 But it is also a vindication of the creative manipulation of language and a revalorization of the traditional relation between women and fiction .
10 Analysing the economic position of lone mothers in the context of the economic position of women in general is therefore the only way to understand the causes of their poverty .
11 Blatant sexist readings are on the decline , and where they still exist they have little effect because of the successful appropriation by women of their own discourse .
12 There was , however , one overriding reason for taking the conventional approach : much of the existing literature on women 's domestic roles draws attention to social class differences in women 's satisfaction with domesticity ; middle-class women are supposedly more dissatisfied than working-class women .
13 This , however , is no indication that they have a particularly high opinion of the spiritual contribution of women .
14 Marriage , then , was part of the typical experience of women throughout the period .
15 Here he says that of all cases of hypertrophy of the external genitalia in women , physicians are most frequently consulted regarding the nymphae ( the inner labia ) and the clitoris , and that the causes of this condition , though not well understood , might be due to ‘ masturbation , excessive venery , or even the rubbing incident to a pruritis ’ .
16 Whatever the case , non-insulin dependent diabetes in Europeans tends to occur in middle or older age , after completion of the reproductive phase in women , and contrasts with the early age of onset and severity of the disease observed in populations such as Nauruans .
17 Other proposed exhibitions will be words , numbers and letters in clothing ( ‘ wordrobe ’ ) and the significance of the changing waistline in women 's fashion .
18 While the employers tended to cast around for reasons outside the work process when they wished to disparage women workers , unionists spoke more often of the low level of women compositors " skill .
19 As I represent 25% of the total population of women presidents to date , if my predecessors did not share my feelings a 25% opinion still deserves to be heard , and I believe that some of my successors may well be of the same mind as I am .
20 That is the stark injustice of the total humiliation of women on all levels , by men .
21 There is a large and growing feminist literature in sociology which is much appreciated by women students , including influential and innovative collections stemming from the British Sociological Association 's conferences and study groups on Sexual Divisions ( see , for example , Barker and Allen , 1976a and 1976b ) ; there is the BSA women 's caucus which operates as a forum for women and as a pressure group within the profession ; there is also the work of the BSA Standing Committee on the Equality of the Sexes ; and many of the small number of women in positions of relative power in the profession have been willing to use their influence on behalf of other women .
22 Because of the small number of women completing 24 cycles or more the suggestion in our data that both groups will eventually have the same pregnancy rate , must be interpreted with caution .
23 Dame Caroline Haslett was a remarkable woman who had trained as an engineer and was founder-director of the Electrical Association for Women .
24 In his study of " Medieval Misogyny " , R. Howard Bloch makes the point that male distrust may depend less on a sense of the utter difference of women than on a sense of how similar women are : gender boundaries can be crossed , and men can become feminized — as Eve was created from Adam .
25 Pope 's epistle is probably the most important statement of the dominant view of women in the eighteenth century , and women writing explicitly about issues of gender often found it necessary to confront this poem .
26 Using psychoanalysis as a political weapon to understand the unconscious determinants of the dominant imaging of women , Mulvey 's concern with pleasure in looking took its cue from Freud 's theory of scopophilia in early childhood .
27 Several historians for instance have challenged Shorter 's notion of the emancipating effect of women 's work and have shown that even during industrialisation , it was performed in the context of the family economy and therefore did not necessarily free women from the control of either their families or traditional values .
28 Ellis 's sense of the quiet solidarity between women , and of the bonds of love that bind the generations together , is so sure that it more than compensates for the novel 's occasional listlessness .
29 Another book claimed that by the end of the First World War much of the old prejudice against women having an equal place with men in society had gone .
30 An understanding of the occupational structure for women is essential if policies are to be formulated which ensure equality of opportunity with men ; it also forms an important foundation for policies concerned with unemployment and with the prediction of changes in women 's participation in paid employment .
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