Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] of his [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 The label of his white cotton underwear is sticking out of the top of his pants .
32 I tell the truth , honest I do ! " one was shouting , and it and a few others tugged at the lower edges of the few furs he still had on and pulling on his under-breeches where they appeared out of the top of his boots .
33 The Funding Council shall make such reports or returns and give such information to the Secretary of State as he may require for the purposes of the exercise of his powers and the performance of his duties under this Part of this Act .
34 Edmund 's predictions of the success of his plots are , like Iago 's , accurate .
35 He shrugged the shirt off , flung it to the floor , unfastened the waist of the immaculate beige trousers , disposed of the rest of his clothes with a cool composure which sent tiny shivers all over the heated surface of her body .
36 St Francis 's own mystical experience centred on his understanding of , and identification with , Christ the crucified redeemer ( he received the stigmata in a visionary experience at the end of his life ) , and at the heart of the theology of his followers was a stress on penance as a sacrament through which man can bring his nature into conformity with Christ .
37 Such were only a few of the multitude of his accomplishments .
38 He would not put out of the power of his creditors the mental and literary resources which yet remained to him .
39 Sometimes he was thinking of his model , sometimes of the mixing of his pigments , his tone , his oils ; sometimes of the flesh itself and sometimes of the absorbent canvas .
40 He must have sensed that I was looking at him , he suddenly glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and , still cleaning the mess tin with his finger , he said quietly , ‘ Why are you staring at me like that , Piper ?
41 He turned with difficulty and got the keys out of the pocket of his trousers and put them on the chair seat .
42 With the exceptions of Teddy Taylor and John Biffen , of whom more in a moment , each one , because of the strength of his views , has had to eschew a ministerial career , although each would without doubt have made a distinguished holder of office .
43 It must be appreciated , therefore , that when Coenwulf maintained that Offa wished to diminish the dignity of Canterbury because of his hatred of Archbishop Jaenberht and the people of Kent , whereas Pope Leo declared that it was because of the vastness of his lands and kingdom that Offa had desired it , both were representing Offa 's motives in ways which suited their immediate purposes .
44 Conrad , faced with the crisis of the defeat of his plans , and with the destruction of his armies , on the 11th gave the order for overall retreat .
45 He walked up to him , aware of the ring of his feet on the tiled floor , wondering whether they sounded as portentous to the priest as they did to him .
46 Jacob was no longer a trickster in the Joseph story , but himself the victim of the duplicity of his sons who convinced him that his favourite Joseph was dead .
47 In 1156 Henry II had taken young Aimar V of Limoges out of the custody of his uncles and had arranged his marriage to Sarah of Cornwall .
48 This went directly against Stirling 's concept of the role of his men , which had still not been clearly understood or even accepted at headquarters .
49 Because of the nature of his studies he was sent to work at the Esso refinery at Fawley .
50 According to Mr Abbell , his case is of interest only because of the nature of his clients .
51 But while he was interested in giving as complete an idea as possible of the nature of his subjects , he was not so much interested in the formal , sculptural properties of individual objects as in their relationships to each other and to the space surrounding them .
52 The promotion of legislation comes at the top of the catalogue of his responsibilities listed in Table 3 .
53 This money is not intended to provide any immediate benefit and the plaintiff suffers no immediate loss as a result of the loss of his wages .
54 I am aware of the solidity of his bones .
55 He threw her hand contemptuously from him and she rubbed it , wondering if she would ever get rid of the impression of his fingers .
56 He showed immense energy in completing assignments and generating new business , and was especially successful at convincing clients of the wisdom of his choices and candidates of the importance of the opportunity on offer .
57 The criticism is at times sharp , and the Friend is indicted of self-love , ‘ the most inhibited sin in the canon ’ , as the Clown says in All 's Well , doubtless aware of the seriousness of his words .
58 The chief was arrested and held overnight … where he was reminded of the plight of his ancestors .
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