Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instances where the motive force for the recognition of a cult site comes from the congregation are rare , but are particularly instructive for an understanding of the concern of the Church to control places of supposedly numinous power .
2 It is , however , within the discretion of the Faculty to make offers at below the ‘ going rate ’ or minimum rate .
3 If made ex parte , the application must be filed a reasonable time before the hearing subject to the power of the court to hear applications at any time .
4 National job fairs or forums are held in different parts of the country to attract nurses into jobs of every possible variety .
5 We had all gathered for Hamish and Tone 's traditional Ne'erday partyette ; a necessarily quietish affair during which people exchanged tales of drunkenness , broken resolutions and recipes for hangover cures , as well as taking advantage of the opportunity to compare notes regarding blank spots in the memories of any of the assembled penitents .
6 In considering the maintenance and reproductive functions of an advanced organism , we find that there is an especially pronounced development of the capacity to correlate classes of information originating from the environment , not only with one another , but also with information arising from monitoring the interior metabolic condition .
7 It is the logic of the asylum to sell scanners without restriction and then say they should n't be used for the purpose most people buy them .
8 There had been speculation that Mr Patten would miss a self-imposed deadline and postpone publication of the legislation to allow negotiations with Beijing .
9 He was also to obtain the first formal recognition from the pope of the right of the crown to nominate holders of major benefices , before the kings of either France or Spain ; and he indulged grandiose dreams of annexing continental territories .
10 The permanent secretaries in charge of many government departments are arts graduates who have risen through the ranks of the meritocracy to become Knights of the Realm and heads of Oxbridge colleges , simply by virtue of their intellectual training , character , hard work and a modicum of good luck .
11 Motability was set up in 1977 on the initiative of the government to help holders of mobility allowance and war pensioners ' mobility supplement use their allowance to obtain a vehicle .
12 The UKCC has failed in its organisation of the election to provide candidates with the opportunity to address their constituency .
13 Certainly , no media organisation worth its salt should supinely accept the ruling of a British court which curtails the right of the press to report matters of public interest , when there is a real prospect that the ruling might be condemned in Strasbourg .
14 But it is still against the spirit of the Act to impose restrictions on contact where a child is accommodated by a local authority .
15 To open the eyes of the blind to free captives from prison and those who live in darkness from the dungeon ’
16 The slow progress of the campaign to put women into top executive positions is borne out by the results of an Economist survey carried out while compiling the 1993 Crawford 's Directory of City Connections .
17 In Britain , most juries would find it depraving and corrupting to solicit members of the public to become voyeurs of an actual rape , murder , and dismemberment , but a new criminal test based not on the effect of the work , but on the circumstances of its production could provide one more useful link in the chain of criminal provisions which modern media law requires .
18 The Group asked the members of the public to sign letters to the President of Syria requesting the release of Yuris-al-Hayik , their adopted prisoner .
19 Some of the main areas are listed here , but the AOI stresses that staff are always at the end of the telephone to answer queries on a whole range of subjects .
20 The NRC group is part of a NASA study committee working on proposals for the use of the Shuttle to tow instruments through the upper atmosphere .
21 There are various procedural requirements applicable to a reduction in the standard number , including a duty of the proposer to publish details of the proposals and to refer the proposals to the Secretary of State if objections to them are raised by 10 or more local government electors or by the LEA or governors ( whichever of them is not the admissions authority ) .
22 Burman uses representations of the self to examine questions around race , gender and sexuality .
23 This only a short account of the main points of the Convention to alert exporters to what has been , up to now , an important aspect of International Trade which tended to be overlooked .
24 Dr David Clark , Labour 's agriculture spokesman , said : ‘ It was entirely irresponsible of the ministry to allow farmers for nearly a week to feed contaminated material to animals .
25 Increasing excise duties on alcohol and tobacco have traditionally allowed Chancellors of the Exchequer to raise revenues with a matronly wag of the finger that suggests they are trying to do us a favour .
26 The most devastating critique of the proposal to create incentives to efficient behaviour from a modified profit system and ‘ deferred prizes ’ comes from Wade .
27 Read along the top of the grid to see kinds of transition , and down the left-hand side for a list of common connective expressions .
28 The parameters " r0 " to " r7 " are the numeric values of the top to bottom rows of the character with bit-7 set .
29 ‘ As an indication of continuing trading improvement , if current trends are maintained , it is the intention of the board to resume dividends with a payment next June , ’ the company said .
30 Section 80 provides that directors shall not exercise any power of the company to allot shares in the company or rights to subscribe for , or convert into , shares in the company unless they are authorised to do so by the company in general meeting or by the company 's articles .
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