Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] [verb] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 There had been speculation that Mr Patten would miss a self-imposed deadline and postpone publication of the legislation to allow negotiations with Beijing .
2 The UKCC has failed in its organisation of the election to provide candidates with the opportunity to address their constituency .
3 The C Mixolydian scale run in bar 5 and the tremolo picked closing phrase should be alternate picked throughout — I personally prefer to start the scale run and each of the tremolo picked notes with a down-stroke — but you should remember to experiment and use whatever picking scheme works best for you .
4 If the class of curved spaces that defines the state of the universe included spaces with singularities , the probabilities of such spaces would not be determined by the theory .
5 Increasing excise duties on alcohol and tobacco have traditionally allowed Chancellors of the Exchequer to raise revenues with a matronly wag of the finger that suggests they are trying to do us a favour .
6 ‘ As an indication of continuing trading improvement , if current trends are maintained , it is the intention of the board to resume dividends with a payment next June , ’ the company said .
7 The first and second years of the course provide participants with an overall understanding of the hotel and restaurant sector of the industry and of tourism in general .
8 Crawford and the rest of the cast began rehearsals with Gene Kelly and choreographer Michael Kidd in February 1968 , and they began the ninety-day shoot on 15 April .
9 Having been gently reminded by Lady Rutherford , ‘ We are all philanthropists here ; we do not need to put our hands up if we wish to speak ’ , William Morris completely forgot his shyness and at one stage became so carried away that he stood at the front of the room shaking hands with himself .
10 In designing the course , full account has been taken of the need to provide students with the skills necessary not only to make a contribution to the current environment , but also to be sufficiently adaptable to the exciting future of the industry .
11 I have found it impossible to convince young people in the latter stages of their compulsory education of the need to gain skills with which to enter full-time work .
12 Conscious of the uncertainty attending relations with its Middle East neighbours , however , Iraq had set up contingency arrangements .
13 Usually , he says , the children use their intuitive knowledge of the language to form sentences with the same structure .
14 Individual members of the department have links with Anthroplogy , Earth Sciences , Oriental Studies , Queen Elizabeth House and Social Studies
15 Some 7,000 doctors ended a 12-week strike in the week ending Aug. 9 and leaders of 32,000 teachers stated that their current 14-week strike would cease by the end of the month following settlements with the government .
16 Where most of the planned personal communicators support pen input , Radio Computer has eschewed this in favour of the capability to exchange messages with pagers and run MS-DOS applications .
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