Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun] when the " in BNC.

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1 Of the six occasions when the government 's continuation in office has depended on the votes of an opposition party , five have lasted less than 30 months .
2 A new wave in British sculpture set the art world here bussing during the last two decades of the 19th century when the status quo of classically austere , cold , funerary white marble was disturbed by the throbbing emotional statements of talented young men like Alfred Gilbert ( who gave us Eros in Piccadilly Circus ) George Frampton , Alfred Drury , Hamo Thorneycroft and others .
3 Trade between Leith and Hull can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th Century when the Hull and Leith Shipping Company was formed .
4 Looking back to nineteen thirty five brings back memories to us older generation of the splendid summers when the herring fishing was booming in Stronsay .
5 At that period of the nineteenth century when the discipline of anthropology was coming into being , material culture studies represented the very core of this emergent social science ( e.g. Haddon 1895 ; Tylor 1881 ) .
6 Think of the many hours when the two of them are closeted in the den .
7 It has remained in the temple ever since , and is blown three times on the anniversary of the death of Sigismund as a solemn reminder of the dark days when the Empire was ravaged by Orcs and Altdorf was almost destroyed .
8 There was almost a collapse of the cryonic systems when the vaults were besieged by people demanding to reclaim parents and presidents .
9 Antenor 's were returned to Athens after Alexander 's conquest , and stood beside their successors in Hellenistic and Roman times , but we know that the copies we have are from the second pair because they correspond to sketches on Athenian vases of the fifth century when the others were not available .
10 She told of the one time when the weeping stopped .
11 In consequence , there was always a scramble to spend in the last half of the financial year when the danger of an underspend was becoming apparent .
12 By the time of the Middle Ages when the two swords of the secular and the spiritual were sheathed together in ruling Christendom , the official spokesman for orthodoxy , St Thomas Aquinas , could declare : ‘ Heresy is a sin which merits not only excommunication but death , for it is worse to corrupt the faith which is the life of the soul than to issue counterfeit coins which administer to the secular life .
13 It was in the 2nd round of the FA Cup in December 1937 when the Palace had had to make the long trip to Accrington on one of the rare times when the draw for this round was not made on a geographical basis .
14 One of the most important of these ‘ eruptions ’ occurred in the latter decades of the nineteenth and early decades of the present century when the fabulous wealth of plants in the Chinese hinterland was made known to the West by French missionaries and British and European hunters .
15 A similar campaign finance bill ( including the honoraria ban and limitation on outside income ) was passed by the Senate in 1990 but was lost at the end of the congressional session when the two Houses failed to agree upon the final form of the legislation .
16 The case had been brought to the attention of the legal authorities when the family contacted the police to ask if a DNA genetic fingerprint could be obtained from the aborted foetus to provide legal evidence on the identity of the alleged rapist .
17 The incident obviously jogged memories of the infamous time when the England captain Bobby Moore was wrongly accused of stealing a bracelet .
18 Artfully and sensibly , the red-throated bee-eater of Nigeria starts its labours at the end of the rainy season when the ground is relatively soft , even though it will not be ready to lay its eggs for another three months .
19 The further expansion of Champagne 's vineyards suffered a temporary set-back in the early part of the fifteenth century when the old war with the English was resumed .
20 The church was demolished towards the end of the last century when the new road was laid down , and only the rescued façade was wholly retained .
21 The earliest mention of a ferry at Seacombe dates back to 1515 but its advancement came in the latter part of the last century when the ferry rights were taken over by the Wallasey local board .
22 Fergus had not been aware of the precise moment when the Lad of the Skins drew his soul from his body with the Knife of Light , but he had known a great coldness , and a sense of desolation , and an abandonment so complete that it had overwhelmed him , and for a time he had scarcely been aware of what was happening .
23 Dr Buchanan has shown this to have been the case with the Bath Turnpike Trust where it had become crucial by the end of the eighteenth century when the share of the landed interest had dropped below 10 per cent .
24 The question is , will libraries , which spend very small amounts of money on the user education service , continue to subscribe to the services of the national clearinghouses when the financial situation becomes even tighter ?
25 One day Tony gets up to watch and witnesses one of the few times when the sun travels across a blue , cloudless sky .
26 It is significant that one of the few occasions when the author of Ancrene Wisse hints at the contemplative experience occurs in his account of the behaviour appropriate at the Mass : ( After the kiss of peace in the Mass , when the priest communicates , forget the world , be completely out of the body , and with burning love embrace your Beloved who has come down from heaven to your heart 's bower , and hold Him fast until He has granted you all that you ask . )
27 Towards the end of the 16th century when the President 's Lodge of Queens ' College was built its timber framework was plastered over and it was not until 1911 that the plaster was removed to reveal the massive but somehow delicate oak members which make up the frame .
28 Indeed , the intention of the English negotiators when the Second Treaty of London was drawn up may well have been to make the French an offer they would be bound to refuse .
29 The proportion of the population over pensionable age is projected to remain more or less level between now and the end of the century , indeed to decline somewhat around the turn of the century and then to rise again in the early years of the twenty-first century when the larger birth cohorts of the war and post-war years move into their sixties ( see figure 5.1 ) .
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