Example sentences of "of the [noun] of life [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , this month 's issue of Psychology Today contains the result of a study of the pace of life in 36 American cities .
2 These are the central feature of the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico , but then again skulls and skeletons are commonly used as emblems of the transience of life in seventeenth-century Spanish painting .
3 A " biosociety " says Professor A. Behrens , a prominent member of the project , " is one that should be fully aware of the problems of life in all its forms and of a balanced " input/output " in energy and materials … [ and ] is using biotechnology to an optimal extent in order to guarantee a proper balance between human needs ( partially represented by industrial needs ) , natural resources , and the environment " ( Oberursal , 1982 ) .
4 Anyone who forgets that this is how men and women thought of the goods of life in those days will never be competent to judge the small but genuine improvement which the great capitalist expansion brought to a substantial part of the working classes in the third quarter of the nineteenth century .
5 It was melancholy to see in the civil prisons of the metropolis , remarked Grant , men whose birth , education , manners and appearance would have fitted them for occupying the highest positions in society and consequently of proving benefactors to their species , spending no inconsiderable portion of the prime of life amid scenes of deepest degradation .
6 Biogeography was the principal source of Darwin 's theory of evolution , but to most of his contemporaries it seemed obvious that the starting point for any investigation of the history of life on earth must be the fossil record .
7 But Forbes was unable to shake off the belief that new species were produced by the exertion of a supernatural agent — he proposed a strange theory of ‘ polarity ’ in which the creative power was supposed to have been exerted most strongly at the beginning and at the end of the history of life on earth .
8 John 's father , Sir William Herschel , was the discoverer of the planet Uranus in 1781 , and he had been firmly convinced of the possibility of life on other worlds .
9 Our question was , how much luck are we allowed to assume in a theory of the origin of life on Earth ?
10 This means that we can , if we want to , spend virtually our entire ration of postulatable luck in one big throw , in our theory of the origin of life on a planet .
11 Nevertheless , it is still sensible for us to begin by seeking that theory of the origin of life with the least degree of improbability .
12 The mammalian process may not have been the safest way to perpetuate the species , but as the emerging man was , by virtue of the very nature of the evolutionary process , developing a body capable of the enjoyment of life to a degree equal to that of all other forms of life in total , he was restricted to what was biologically possible .
13 They felt that it was partly their responsibility to bring up their children in an atmosphere of knowledge and understanding of protestants , as they believed part of the difficulties of life in Ulster were caused by this lack of contact .
14 Machines are the direct products of living objects ; they derive their complexity and design from living objects , and they are diagnostic of the existence of life on a planet .
15 But what of the expectation of life of someone who has reached the age of forty ?
16 It is the dedication of the whole of life to God .
17 liv. , Against Conon , gives in its opening paragraphs a brilliant snapshot of the vexations of life under canvas in such a frontier posting — actually Panakton — including hooligans from the next door tent emptying chamber-pots over you . )
18 Responses to an interview conducted by a stranger , however relaxed and friendly , can never provide a valid picture of the way of life of the subject of the interview .
19 one could perhaps use the term ‘ society ’ just as well , but the word culture , with its connotations of the way of life of a people , seems preferable because of the potential influence of the curriculum on ideas , beliefs , values and habits .
20 The totality of the way of life of even the simplest sort of human society is exceedingly complex .
21 It was part of the way of life for the gentry , and not the political issue it is today .
22 Thus the loss was seen as mainly symbolic in that the school was regarded as a ‘ natural ’ part of the way of life in the community but no particular evidence was used in its support .
23 Enjoy a tour of the Evening Telegraph which brings news to the county and beyond and is very much a part of the way of life in the area .
24 The focus of most research into residence abroad has been upon the improvement of linguistic skills whereas this project is to investigate the contribution residence makers to students ' perceptions of the way of life in another country .
25 Earlier in 1991 he had urged ‘ the promotion of the culture of life in the face of the culture of death ’ .
26 Abortifacient contraceptives , embryo experimentation and abortion itself deny the principle of the sanctity of life from conception onwards and so pave the way for euthanasia .
27 In case of doubt , that doubt falls to be resolved in favour of the preservation of life for if the individual is to override the public interest , he must do so in clear terms .
28 But one of the ironies of life in the border districts was that it also produced Poles who became more German the more nearly they were incorporated into the Polish state , and Poles and Jews whose political opinions were so far to the right that only their ethnic , religious or national identity stood between them and the Nazi Party .
29 ’ ( For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death . )
30 Not only is there ‘ no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ’ , but ‘ the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death ’ ( Rom. 8 : l , 2 ) .
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