Example sentences of "of the [noun] have [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We completed the first four Munros with relative ease , since there is little rising or dropping between peaks , and cruised along a gloriously flat section of the ridge having fantasies about lunch .
2 Even static elements of the landscape have implications of movement : the pit bank " looms up " , the chimneys " taper " , the vine " clutches " .
3 I mean the the later stages of the system had things like rule compilers and quite complex things which allowed you a more dynamic interaction with the system so you could actually build rules in and then some rules then erm allowed you to shall we say , partition out certain parts of speech .
4 The Silence of the Lambs has epigraphs from Donne 's Devotions and the First Book of Corinthians and other allusions which will ensure its place on reading lists , at least in America .
5 Many of the roads have lay-bys with picnic tables and bench-seats , and many places are supplied with wood and simple cooking stoves for barbecuing sardines and espetada ( chunks of meat on a skewer cooked over an open fire of laurel twigs ) .
6 Eighteen per cent of the professionals had fathers with incomplete primary schooling , and 27 per cent came from families where the father had achieved no more than a primary level of education .
7 By now some of the cousins had children of their own — the pullulating Hepplewhite swarm had leapt to another branch .
8 None of the directors had interests in either the existing or new convertible preference shares of the Company at 31 December 1992 or at 31 December 1991 .
9 In contrast with a shareholder , the debentureholder is in law not a member of the company having rights in it , but a creditor having rights against it .
10 Most of the Tuthanach had weapons of bone and polished stone .
11 In both cases it can be shown that the saturated areas of the Moon have ages of about 4200 Ma .
12 Many of the peaks have routes on them that can be described as forming a midway point between hard Alpine and Himalayan standard — long ridge routes that take several days to accomplish ; big face routes on rock and ice .
13 Both halves of the room have curtains in a finely textured , natural-coloured fabric , which has also been used to cover the sofa .
14 The attitude of the family has implications for the style of initial assessment carried out by the psychiatrist ; if the psychiatrist realises from the outset that other agencies are involved then consent of the family for reports may be obtained at an early stage .
15 ‘ The north of the city has areas of chronic unemployment , civil unan urgent need to encourage new business start-ups by providing support and reducing restrictions . ’
16 Observers noted that some members of the military had interests on the boards of several state enterprises and that they were thought to oppose wide-ranging privatization plans .
17 Many of the graves had flowers on them — wilting asters and marigolds in jam-jars , or vases of plastic roses and daffodils in luminous colours .
18 The rest of the districts have populations between 20,000 and 80,000 ( Table 3.5 ) .
19 Some of the pupils have problems with recognizing and pronouncing words .
20 It grew quite crowded , since many of the guests had retinues with them , or at least bodyguards .
21 Individual members of the department have links with Anthroplogy , Earth Sciences , Oriental Studies , Queen Elizabeth House and Social Studies
22 The rhythmic spontaneous contractions in the upper oesophagus may also have been related to acid gastro-oesophageal reflux , because sometimes the contraction sequences were preceded by increased oesophageal baseline pressure ( due to a common cavity phenomenon or inadequate clearance of the swallowed bolus ) ; moreover half of the patients had signs of reflux oesophagitis .
23 In the days or weeks after the lithotripsy 36% of the patients had attacks of biliary pain .
24 On Good Friday the people 's Veneration of the Cross has settings in which all can share through refrains or hymns .
25 She had never been in such a place before , and she saw at once that most of the men had girls with them who were certainly not their wives , or the kind of girl one took home to mother .
26 Isabel knew that some of the men had wives in those woods .
27 All the twenty-six letters of the alphabet have links to all the words at the word detector level .
28 This double view of the female has repercussions within the lives of Hindu women .
29 So the reverse of the fabric has stripes of two rows of each of the colours being used .
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