Example sentences of "of the [noun] of your [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can reflect character by the attitude of one of the persons of your story towards its .
2 I deeply regret both your loss of the members of your crew and your yacht . ’
3 The quiet dedicated work of the members of your Guild to enhance the worship of the one eternal God by your labours is more than worthy of mention .
4 What I 'd like you to do is to describe briefly each of the members of your family — the family you grew up in .
5 The rocket can be decorated in the colours of the country of your choice .
6 Lancashire County Council have notified Nether Wyresdale Parish Council of the rejection of your application to have the footpath from Snow Hill to Long Lane Scorton declared a public right of way ( Claim No 804/126 ) .
7 ‘ If you are not well cared for , it is the fault of the master of your household , ’ she said primly .
8 However things turn out , try to reflect the mood of the scene by the pace of the cutting of your shots : if the children are quiet and thoughtful , the shots can be held a little longer than if they are lively and excited ( provided that the adult does a good job of filling in the gaps in the action ) .
9 In the Eastern District of the Association , I know , you are behaving as though the idea were a brand-new one ; and with something of the enthusiasm of your founder-members you are carrying it into the countryside .
10 You may bequeath your Entire Estate , a Specific Sum of Money , Specific Property , or all or part of the Residue of your Estate — or even make a Conditional Bequest in the event that another potential beneficiary pre-deceases you .
11 I love it when they put their hand right there and you can feel their fingers in your hair and pressing into the top of the back of your neck .
12 If I signed a contract to carry out a complete refurbishment of the interior of your house I have an obligation to fulfil that contract .
13 With deference to the contrary view of the majority of your Lordships , in my opinion if certiorari can go to a particular tribunal it is available on all the grounds which have been judicially recognised .
14 And it really is to promote a couple of the initiatives of your instrument that I stand here .
15 I take the opportunity of the publication of your paper to draw attention to these small details , with respect to which I have never moved myself , because until they interest others in the neighbourhood i should be sorry to be supposed to move in them for any interest of my own .
16 Elean:Lauretta Ngcobo , another South African writer , in her introduction to your book , described you , as a writer coming out of the upsurges of your people 's consciousness and activities of the 70s , and reflecting those upsurges going on to the 80s .
17 The following procedure will give you a rating of the readability of your writings .
18 She was no w no no question , she ha it was one of the laws of your firm .
19 So , stop walking through life with a stubbornness of heart , shutting out your awareness of the consequences of your words , thoughts and actions .
20 You may even be asked your shoe size , which is thought to give an indication of the size of your pelvis .
21 This is typical of the behaviour of your group , Peter .
22 She said that 's your perk that 's one of the perks of your job .
23 I hope you will take note of the wishes of your constituents and do all you can to see that Garstang retains its Magistrates ' Court .
24 Also , I was not sure of the significance of your information regarding prolonged rest post-infarction .
25 I 'm surprised it did n't take the whole of the top of your head off ! ’
26 If you decide within one month of the issue of your Family Bond that you no longer wish to continue with the contract , you may return your Bond document to the Society who will refund your contributions .
27 First , you will need a description of the concept of your product ( the broader your description the harder it will be for rivals to find a new , unprotected , form of the idea ) and a £15 fee , which will bring 18 months of secrecy .
28 I 'm told that in the States , the state of your nails is regarded as an indication of the state of your psyche .
30 Is it a necessary part of the structure of your sentence ?
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