Example sentences of "of the [noun] [conj] it did " in BNC.

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1 The vehicle passed the end of the road but it did n't turn toward us .
2 Its main power over the economy lies in its control of the central bank , but Mr Yeltsin has made the bank promise that it will issue only a quarter as much credit in the second three months of the year as it did in the first .
3 For all the turbulence and excitement that erupted with the Gang of Four 's break with Labour in 1981 , Britain looked as much a two-party system at the end of the decade as it did in 1980 .
4 They distrusted predictions about the far reaches of the universe because it did not seem they could be tested by observation .
5 The reticence of the General Council was deliberate for it feared the violence which might ensue if all workers came out and was alarmed at the prospect of mass defections leading to the rapid collapse of the dispute if it did not immediately meet its objectives .
6 ‘ I 'D MAKE this Single Of The Week if it did n't seem such a wilfully perverse thing to do .
7 Coming out of the blue as it did , I did not quite know how to reply to such a suggestion .
8 There was much to be said in favour of the view that it did , in respect that doing so gave the shopper control of the article and the capacity to exclude any other shopper from taking it .
9 Your correspondent has re-read his report on the 1968 Glasgow Actuarial Students ’ supper and considers the article probably conveyed as much on his changing view of the world as it did on the supper itself .
10 Certainly , in her classroom , sex was the topic on which she knew their vocabulary to be widest , in spite of the fact that it did n't receive the level of attention she insisted they devote to the subjects on the curriculum .
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