Example sentences of "of the [noun] [prep] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 The prices of the operations from fillings to complicated bridge work were set by independent experts so dentists would receive a fixed income set by the Doctors ' and Dentists Review Body .
2 For common igneous minerals , critical concentrations are very small ( typically 0.002–0.03wt% ) and layers of the order of centimetres to a few metres thick will result .
3 I will ask the guardian ad litem to prepare a further report for the use of the court and I will direct that a psychiatric report be obtained by the local authority for the use of the court with copies to be made available to the parties under rule 26 of the Family Proceedings Courts ( Children Act 1989 ) Rules 1991 .
4 No restriction would be placed on the amount in lei being taken out of the country for visits to other COMECON countries .
5 But the prolonged depression of the interwar period caused a reappraisal of the attitude of governments to their own budgetary position , with Keynes the most influential figure in advocating that budget deficits should be adopted in such circumstances .
6 What , then , can be said of the contribution of teachers to the climate of opinion ?
7 We will look at the details of the exercise in Chapter 8 ; for the moment it is worth noting that the review centred around an analysis of school subjects in terms of skills , concepts , and attitudes ( expressed in terms of aims and objectives ) , and an analysis of the contribution of subjects to the eight areas of experience .
8 Three aspects of teachers ' knowledge will be analysed : i ) knowledge of the subject being taught ; ii ) capacity to represent it in a variety of appropriate ways related to the knowledge and experience of the type of pupils to whom it was taught ; and iii ) knowledge and understanding of the relevant pedagogy .
9 The grant will support the transfer of the documents from individuals to a central collection , transcription of nearly illegible photocopies etc .
10 In 1968 she made a speech in Westminster at the fiftieth anniversary celebrations of the granting of votes to women .
11 But what of the responsiveness of bureaucracies to people in general ?
12 His interruptions therefore coincide with his rejection of the principles of politeness to which he has hitherto adhered quite consistently .
13 At the heart of the debate , and of the promotion of cigarettes to young people , is a crisis of confidence in the House and the country over the good will of the tobacco industry .
14 There were , of course , numerous forms and methods in which this ‘ law ’ expressed itself , but the most characteristic aspect was that of the transfer of resources to the socialist sector from the private commodity sector , and this is the process that — according to Preobrazhensky — imposes itself upon the socialist sector .
15 The collection of information about clients ' backgrounds and their ‘ problems ’ , and about carers , would likewise permit greater confidence that like was being compared with like ( or point to interesting differences ) , and enable some analysis of the matching of responses to needs .
16 Professor N. Ambraseys was arguably the first to recognise the full implications of the study of the history of earthquakes to the science of tectonics .
17 One has only to think of the range of services to which an old person may or may not be entitled to see that , even if power is in general exercised responsibly , old people and their informal carers are particularly vulnerable to professional neglect , abuse of power or , more often and more excusably , to inexpert or biased assessment .
18 Please do n't let the pattern of the change from O-levels to GCSE be repeated , introducing yet another mismatch , this time between school and university .
19 The safety net is supposed to cushion the impact of the change from rates to poll tax next April .
20 An analysis of the origins of partnerships , their supporters and sponsors , gives some important clues in the diagnosis of the development of partnerships to date .
21 Social Anthropology 1 presents an assessment of the contribution of the work of anthropologists to knowledge and understanding of a number of human concerns including ritual and religion , the family and marriage and the consequences of the spread of money economies and industrialisation among the populations of the Third World .
22 Ollier ( 1981 ) provides an introduction to several topics discussed in this chapter , and my own brief reviews in Progress in Physical Geography ( Summerfield , 1986 , 1988 , 1989 ) try to relate some of the work by geophysicists to problems of landscape development .
23 The search of the trackside for clues to the Chiltern line bombers will resume at first light tomorrow .
24 He mentioned the Home Office-led investigation of state funding of the voluntary sector ; the Department of Education 's investigation of educational support grants , about £650m worth , given to local education authorities for tasks deemed especially important ; and the Department of Social Security 's review of the shortfall of contributions to contributory benefits , amounting to nearly £500m a year .
25 Within the bird world as a whole , these conflicting interests are resolved in a huge variety of ways , from the steadfast monogamy of the majority of birds to the bewildering polygamy of the dunnock , and from the resplendent tail feathers of the male widow-bird to the male pied flycatcher 's deceit .
26 Since there are likely to be a few worms present , even in adult dogs , in spite of the diversion of the majority of larvae to the somatic tissues , it is recommended that adult dogs should be treated every six months throughout their lives .
27 ( 8 ) The holder of the licence for premises to which this section applies shall keep posted in some conspicuous place in the premises a notice stating that this section applies thereto and setting out the effect of its application , and if any person contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence .
28 ( 8 ) The holder of the licence for premises to which this section applies shall keep posted in some conspicuous place in the premises a notice stating that this section applies thereto and setting out the effect of its application , and if any person contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence .
29 ( 7 ) The holder of the licence for premises to which this section applies shall keep posted in some conspicuous place in the premises a notice stating that this section applies thereto and setting out the effect of its application , and if any licence-holder contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence .
30 We find Makarenko by the 1930s writing , ‘ How is it that the resistance of materials is studied in all higher technical institutes , while in the pedagogical institutes no study is made of the resistance of personalities to educational measures ? ’ .
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