Example sentences of "of a long [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The secret of a long day of battle was fitting the components together : the state of caution ; the state of preparedness ; the state of uncaring action ; the state of elation ; the state of waiting ; so that each stage matched the others in sureness and strength , with every thread of body and mind strung to its finest pitch ready to sing to the touch , from one night 's sleep until the next , or until death itself .
2 A curious picture was forming in his mind — of a long thread of cotton with the black slaves on one end and himself and the rest of the children on the other .
3 Both men were bound over to keep the peace , but the incident was the beginning of a long history of misbehaviour which was to drive a wedge between Gallacher and the unfortunate clubs who tried to tame his wayward spirit .
4 ‘ The hammer ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ is actually a ruddy great cannon-ball on the end of a long bit of wire , and the thrower whisks it round and round his or her head faster and faster and then lets it go .
5 A. G. Dickens , in particular , has consistently maintained that the anti-clerical tracts of lawyers such as Simon Fish and Christopher St German were not merely isolated examples of lay hostility to the church , totally unrepresentative of public opinion , but on the contrary part of a long tradition of anti-clericalism among the literate classes , and most especially London merchants , common lawyers , parliamentarians , and royal officials .
6 However this may be , it is both the climax of a long tradition of minstrelsy and in part , perhaps in large part , the work of a poet of considerable accomplishment .
7 Pipe cutters consist of a long pair of handles , with a very heavy bicycle-chain-type construction with cutting wheels in the centre .
8 Her favourite scene was the sequence of Susan , partially concussed , menacing Ian with the points of a long pair of scissors , threatening to stab him until she gives in and vents her rage instead on the mattress of her bed .
9 He gestured towards the first of a long row of recuperation pods , where Christine LaFayette 's face was visible through a clear plastic window .
10 At that point , rather late one night , he and I had the last of a long sequence of talks .
11 For it was born out of a long histtory of protest .
12 Palafox and Romana are thus the first of a long succession of generals who claimed that the army officers embodied the general will of the nation , perverted by a selfish clique of unpopular politicians .
13 The chances are you 've not yet considered the security of your home , not a lot of people do — it 's at the bottom of a long list of priorities .
14 It may not even prove to be possible unless the criteria are very broad , and therefore ambiguous , because of the problems of recording mastery of a long list of criteria .
15 Further , under the British Code of Advertising Practice , no advertisement to the lay public is allowed in respect of a long list of diseases and conditions , including cataracts , glaucoma , kidney disease VD , tuberculosis , any heart disease , hypertension , diabetes , cancer , epilepsy and so on .
16 I feel as if I have come to the end of a long list of jobs dating back over several months .
17 One of a long list of commandments , much more extensive than the original ten , that had circumscribed the exploits of Preston 's youth .
18 But in 1984 , Arthur succumbed to an obscure lung complaint that almost killed him , the first of a long list of lay-offs throughout his career .
19 Phil was the first of a long list of people to tackle this challenge — abseiling down the 170 feet of the electrical engineering tower .
20 This ceremony , called puja , involves the recitation of a long list of seers and gods to show the ‘ pedigree ’ of a mantra .
21 It was during the late 1770s that the long proposed Stroudwater canal became a reality and this signalled the start of a long war of words between the Company of Proprietors and the Purnells .
22 One can not be surprised when , quite apart from reservations in the social worker himself about handling sexual matters , the worker has a strong sense that , if he even tries , his particular behind may mark the end of a long chain of kicks !
23 In February 1812 , Andrew Berkeley Drummond , newly appointed Keeper of the Privy Purse by the ailing George III , wrote to a cousin joining the bank of a long letter of banking advice .
24 For James Tranter 28 , a wealthy interior designed and 27-year-old Kevin Swan , a successful , equally wealthy jazz musician , it 's the end of a long orgy of theft throughout London 's top stores , including Jaeger , Austin Reed and Blazer
25 Adams ' report , one of a long line of studies , expert groups , advisory committees and internal and external task forces that have looked at Super-SARA , declared that the project was still viable if it got an immediate go-ahead .
26 She was the latest of a long line of girlfriends , drawn for the most part from the upper reaches of the aristocracy , who had appeared on his romantic horizon .
27 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
28 That had been when he was made known to Robert Asshe , Dinah 's father , heir of a long line of actors .
29 Mike Gatting , first of a long line of England captains in 1988 .
30 The retirement of Sergeant Merrey marked the end of another era — not only the departure of a friend and character , but the last of a long line of School Sergeants going back to the appointment of Sgt. Sash in 1888 .
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