Example sentences of "of a [adj] [noun prp] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jack Schofield on a company feeling more than the pinch of a weak US economy IBM in a downsizing squeeze .
2 Today , Orpington , home of a thousand Fleet Street sub-editors , is represented for the Conservatives by John Horam .
3 More specifically , it is the site of a redundant Electricité de France ( coal-powered ) power station , which will be decommissioned by mid-1992 .
4 I have therefore enclosed copies of a recent CBF press release , plus some correspondence which should be self-explanatory .
5 Constitutional provisions for the rights of Romanies , the subject of a recent Helsinki Watch report alleging discrimination and said to be Slovakia 's second-largest minority after Hungarians , were welcomed by Alojz Pompa , chairman of the League of Romany Unity , in a radio interview on Sept. 4 .
6 Also on March 25 parties of the so-called " pro-democracy " alliance ( New Aspirations Party , Palang Dharma , Ekkaparb and the Democrats ) held a joint press conference and called into question the credibility of Narong as Prime Minister , in the light of a recent US State Department allegation that he had been denied a visa in mid-1991 because of his suspected ties with drug trafficking .
7 ‘ She 's neatly switched to the life of a successful New York hostess — she 's on every charity committee in town . ’
8 The England Under-21 midfielder , a talented graduate of the FA School of Excellence , steered a clever header past Neville Southall 13 minutes from time to rob Everton of a much-needed Coca-Cola Cup boost .
9 Chairman Carlo De Benedetti told Olivetti shareholders that DEC would also subscribe to its part of a planned Olivetti capital increase ‘ entirely in shares , ’ rather than the convertible bonds option .
10 Perhaps hindered by the unflattering acoustic of the concert hall , the result was all too often lost in a welter of sound and over-stressed consonants with all the control of a recalcitrant Sunday school outing .
11 The terrified youngster — daughter of a former Soho club owner — was grabbed at gunpoint in Marbella three years before Mellor 's freebie break there with PLO chief 's daughter Mona Bauwens .
12 Cairns hit two fours and a six in his forthright 42 , while Harris , like his partner the son of a former NZ Test player , stayed 73 balls , hitting a solitary four .
13 The inquest heard that on 30 August , 1988 , the security forces had become aware of a threat to the life of a former Ulster Defence Regiment soldier , and the shoot-out had been a result of the actions taken by the security forces because of the threat .
14 He strode into cafes , schools and churches to meet and greet by name — all with the relentless energy of a former Balkans decathlon champion .
15 A mistrial was declared on Aug. 26 in the trial of a former CIA deputy director of covert operations , Clair George .
16 Minister tour : Housing Minister Sir George Young is to be shown the transformation of a former Merseyside slum area in Marsh Lane , Bootle .
17 The trial ended in November 1990 in Siegen ( Germany ) of a former SS officer Ernst August König , 71 , who was accused of killing eight gypsies and assisting in the murder of 1,067 others at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp .
18 THE FATHER of a former Miss Scotland beauty queen was jailed for 18 months yesterday after being convicted of conspiring to defraud an insurance company and setting fire to his partly-completed house in Argyll .
19 No matter how paranoid he felt from time to time about the DIA , Coleman could not conceive that Control would have told him to get hold of a legitimate Thomas Leavy passport for Operation Shakespeare knowing in advance that it would blow the mission and lead to his arrest .
20 They are also interested in the movements of a maroon-coloured Vauxhall Astra estate car , registration D978 XMO .
21 In an age when a symphony orchestra can appear in uniforms designed to advertise tobacco industry sponsors , conflating music and cigarettes into a single narcotic ( Guardian , 26 March 1984 : 13 ) ; when in Japan the record companies and the large industrial corporations co-operate to produce ‘ image-songs ’ which both advertise the corporations and play an important role in the hit parade ; ’ when a small selection of endlessly per mutated pop songs provides the background for almost every social activity ; when rhythm tracks on disco records can be behaviouristic ally planned and electronically produced , for maximum precision and control : one can not , at this time , avoid the feeling that if Orwell 's ‘ 1984 ’ ever arrives , it might well consist of a continuous Eurovision Song Contest ; that the ideal of the music industry would be to turn everything into muzak ( Philip Tagg 's entertaining account of the way muzak is used to ‘ programme ’ a Swedish office worker 's day gives an idea of what this would be like ( Tags 1984 ) ) .
22 I felt I had strayed into the workshop of a latter-day Anton von Leeuwenhoek , the pioneer microscopist who was noted for his high-performance single lenses .
23 A WOMAN living in Belgium is undertaking a comprehensive study of a tiny North Yorkshire village .
24 The EuroEDI project was co-ordinated by the Level-7 consultancy , and included the installation of a central EDI relay server developed by Infonet Services Corp on the EDI system provided by the Belgium Rapid Access Information Network Services , BRAINS , organisation , the Brussels-based Alcatel Bell-Belgacom joint venture .
25 Instead of a freeze-dried New England accent , Phillips gives us a combination of weird sister , deranged Southern matron and Mary Martin on a bad day .
26 GIBSON 'S VIRTUAL reality- noir best seller was optioned in 1985 by Cabanas Roy Productions , set up by two kids at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel who , with backing from the bored wife of a prominent New York plastic surgeon , decided to become movie producers .
27 London-based scion of a prominent Hong Kong business family .
28 A public exhibition showing artists ' impressions of a pedestrianised Stockton High Street with new shops , car parks and a bus station , waterfront development and a major facelift on two housing estates goes on show in the town 's Castle Centre for five days from Tuesday .
29 But the word ‘ school ’ only leads to the word ‘ group ’ and , ultimately , only individual works are produced , such as the works of a certain Leonardo da Vinci .
30 A BRIEF word for this welcome reissue of a 1955 Ingmar Bergman classic which stars Ulla Jacobsson , Eva Dahl-Beck , Harriet Anderson , Margit Carlquist and Jarl Kulle as a series of mismatched couples struggling to sort out their troubles .
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