Example sentences of "of about [num] [unc] cent of " in BNC.

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1 For all vehicles , including heavy goods lorries , the types of emissions covered by catalysts are expected to fall by 2006 to a minimum of about 70 per cent of 1989 's output .
2 The new company , which will be called Chiron , will have 1500 employees , although a reduction of about 10 per cent of the workforce is expected early in 1992 .
3 Ditton worked in the bakery over vacations for a few years and reckoned that each man had an illegal income of about 10 per cent of his bread sales , very little of which appeared as a loss in the firm 's financial records .
4 Recent opinion polls show Mr Mulroney 's support hovering at 17 per cent , while the opposition Liberals have a comfortable lead with the backing of about 46 per cent of Canadians .
5 Wood substance consists of about sixty per cent of cellulose , various other sugar compounds and lignin , a substance having affinities to a resin , which impregnates adult wood substance in some fairly intimate way .
6 These varied from what was essentially the retention of the existing system with a few modifications , to an option referred to as a Commerce Railway consisting of about 16 per cent of the existing network ( meaning that to travel from Manchester to Leeds one would need to go via London ) .
7 This may help to explain why the country has a national debt of about 120 per cent of GNP , one of the highest in the world , compared to a modest 35 per cent in Britain .
8 It means a government confident in its support from more than 40 per cent of the voters , rather than one nervously beholden to the conditional backing of about 20 per cent of them .
9 Some 1800 million years ago atmospheric oxygen was fast approaching the present level of about 21 per cent of the total .
10 The latter ( which is not internationally recognized other than by Turkey ) was declared in November 1983 by the Assembly of the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus , which was itself created after the occupation by Turkish troops of about 40 per cent of the island 's area in July 1974 .
11 Let us make the conservative assumption that CD-X follows the same trend but that by mid-decade it achieves a penetration of about 25 per cent of CD-A , rising to 60 per cent of CD-A by the year 2000 ( obviously much depends on when CD-X appears ! ) .
12 Experts estimated that the change might allow the disposal under these regulations of about 30 per cent of US low-level waste , which would , however , contain under 1 per cent of total radioactivity .
13 A ‘ vendor placing ’ is the term given to placings which exceed the customary limit of about 15 per cent of the outstanding value of the company 's existing equity .
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