Example sentences of "of all [art] [noun sg] that have " in BNC.

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1 When she later climbed into bed , though , she was human enough to have found — out of all the unpleasantness that had gone on — a couple of things of a complimentary nature .
2 Of all the glory that has ever been .
3 No I was gon na say , when you think of all the money that 's spent with these very elaborate er headstones erm creations showing angels looking down on them , plonking at their harps and god knows what .
4 ‘ But what you see is a huge , hot swollen , painful limb because of all the damage that 's been done within and the kid is in terrible pain .
5 Here in the huge cathedral I was put in mind of all the oppression that had been put in motion with the words , ‘ You are all God 's children . ’
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