Example sentences of "of it [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 War on the ground is really a man with a large field with curved corrugated metal huts to keep pigs in to grub all the vegetation off to feed them up to get themselves eaten by other men to help those men to have the energy to work to make the curved corrugated metal huts and grow other food in other fields that gets eaten by another lot of men who leave some of it to feed back to the pigs .
2 The joint BPXM-Pemex team has set about the task ahead of them by cataloguing a mass of seismic , well and production data , much of it dating back to the 1930s .
3 Huge sums of money were generated by the World Cup and it is of the greatest importance that most of it goes back into the game and its development .
4 thought it should be in there cos it 's normally Okay now all that happens here if you if you think of it going back to the picture with the the magnets or the electrostatic charges or or bonds whatever you like to think of it .
5 On the export side , he specialises in bankrupt stock — at least , it 's nominally for export , but we suspect that a good deal of it comes back to the home market at ten times the price .
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