Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] as a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The most controversial of all the legacies the eighteenth-century reformers bequeathed to their successors was the subordination of the Church as a political , economic , educational , and charitable institution to the supremacy of the State .
2 The Donatists in North Africa upheld the ancient image of the church as a gathered élite , a foreign body in the midst of secular society and an apostate church .
3 And while Monika has been told unofficially that she is no longer welcome as a teacher of religious studies at St Thomas More School , Bedford , Father O' Neill continues to enjoy the protection of the church as a practising priest .
4 Wherever a medieval church is found in close proximity to a villa , it is now valid to question the origin of the church as a possible Christian structure in late/post-Roman times .
5 The Cecils regarded the protection of the Church as a special family responsibility and Lord Hugh was as moved to indignation by the disendowment of the Church in Wales as by the People 's Budget or the attack on the House of Lords .
6 The almost mystical power of race and nation on the political stage conveys something about the changing nature of class relations , the growth of state authoritarianism , the eclipse of industrial production , the need to maintain popular support for militarism and exterminism and the end of the nation-state as a political form .
7 The BSS UK dismisses any suggestion that use of the Beltex as a terminal sire will lead to more lambing problems ; so far those who have used Beltex rams for crossing report no more incidence of assisted lambings than would normally have been dealt with .
8 Van Gogh in England : Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A show that uses prints , texts and works of art to document the young Van Gogh 's response to living in London in the 1870s .
9 Joyce 's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ( 1916 ) , Wyndham Lewis 's Tarr ( 1918 ) , and Marcel Proust 's A la recherche du temps perdu ( 1913–27 ) portray more directly and obviously the life and artistic commitments of their authors .
10 Even in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man , Joyce 's semi-autobiographical hero wonders whether he may not love ‘ words better than their associations ’ ( Joyce 1916 and 1973 : 167 ) .
11 Stephen Dedalus 's uncertainty about the relations which can be sustained between word and world shows , in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man , the epistemological concerns of modernism .
12 A look across the Irish Sea finds Stephen Dedalus defining a particular sort of foreignness in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when he meets an English priest and reflects that :
13 It is , of course , the Joyce of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses who attracted the nouveaux romanciers rather than Finnegans Wake , whose verbal and linguistic inventiveness did not receive many enthusiasts , except for a period during the 1970s when both Robbe-Grillet and Simon were influenced by the theories of Jean Ricardou , who stressed the productive nature of work on language in order to counter representation .
14 James Joyce , A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
15 Look at this passage from James Joyce 's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man .
16 The parents and four children — three boys and a girl — lived in an air of smug bourgeois prosperity and Catholic pedagogy , not unlike the cameos of their more famous namesake , James Joyce , in the earlier chapters of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man .
17 James Joyce is a pre-eminently Class 2 novelist , and so for comparative purposes , Burgess offers us ( tongue-in-cheek ) a translation into Class 1 language of the opening of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man .
18 He handed to her a copy of A Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man .
19 And so with Joyce we might talk , say , of the manageable stories of Dubliners and the still acceptable mixture of poignant retrospect and startling surges of feeling that mark the portrait of the artist as a young man .
20 From Basil Payne 's ‘ A Portrait of the Artist as a Revenant Visionary ’ , by arrangement
21 Some writers suggest that reduced participation in work was encouraged by Victorian moralists through an idealization of the role of the home , while others saw that in the early twentieth century ‘ the development of separate suburban environments in the maturing industrial/commercial city was itself of crucial importance in the establishment of the home as a separate sphere and in the enforcement of the social definition of a woman 's place as being in the home ’ ( Mackenzie and Rose , 1983 , 169 ) .
22 Managers whose consciences tell them that service users ought to have a voice often choose just one articulate , recovered , temporary recipient of the service as a token single voice of the mental health planning committee , where this lone individual often feels at a serious disadvantage , confused by professional jargon and out of his or her depth in the complex and confusing world of statutory agency planning .
23 The scheme was introduced by the chair of the council as a cost-cutting exercise ; however the aims have since been extended .
24 The X-ray-emitting gas is so hot that it must be rushing out of the bulge as a galactic ‘ wind ’ , unless it is somehow confined by magnetic fields .
25 In short , I am suggesting that there is more continuity than discontinuity in the development of the novel as a literary form .
26 In the case of stone throwers and other war machines with a template , treat each individual part of the chariot as a separate target .
27 permits the understanding of the other as a social and human phenomenon , reveals its infrastructure and clarifies , by means of an immanent critical principle its inconsistencies and limitations .
28 We had lunch on the side of the valley as a polar bear lay sleeping opposite us on the other side !
29 In Freedom and Resentment ( 1974 , p. 19 ) Strawson talks not of a child 's emerging autonomy but of ‘ the progressive emergence of the child as a responsible being ’ .
30 Preservation of the chancel as a single space allowed the high stained glass of the east window to be retained in its original form without interruption from new intermediate floors .
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