Example sentences of "of the [adj] world [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was natural that the youth , who grew up with the failure of the Arab world and of their elders ( and social superiors ) to recover Palestine , should become a leading political force in the country .
2 Accommodationist Arab states — termed ‘ moderate ’ in the West — have found themselves occupying a difficult position in relation to the rest of the Arab world and to the superpowers outside .
3 But consumption does not directly create capital assets whether financed internally or externally , and investment levels in most countries have not risen significantly as a proportion of GDP in Africa over the last twenty years , and reMain 6 or 7 per cent lower than in both the rest of the developing world and in the industrialized world .
4 He sees consciousness as a more subtle form of matter and movement and the source of what we perceive both of the external world and of ourselves , our so-called inner processes lying in the non-manifest , pre-physical realm .
5 W. Russell Brain has said : ‘ The surface of the body is a frontier which is perceived from both sides , by vision as part of the external world and from within by the various forms of cutaneous sensibility . ’
6 It was egalitarian and free from the weakening and divisive influence of the Roman world and of urban society .
7 RE teachers have responded positively to many of the insights of the modern world but in the process they have sometimes allowed the pendulum to swing too far to the other side .
8 It is characteristic of Eliot to move in After Strange Gods from the savage notion of taboo , which he sees as having decayed in our time so that it has become ‘ used … in an exclusively derogatory sense ’ , to the Christian notion of ‘ heresy ’ as being vital to the interpretation of the modern world and to the health of the ( mainly Christian-based ) ‘ tradition ’ .
9 The West , and particularly the UK , now draws from the idioms of the whole world and of every class .
10 The whole strength of Rococo decoration was its movement away from the formal motifs of Palladian classicism towards a humorous appreciation of the natural world and of storybook fantasy .
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