Example sentences of "of the [noun] [conj] [to-vb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The aim here is simply to remind you of the basics and to draw your attention to some of the new provisions that could have a bearing on your immediate or longer term plans .
2 There may be conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders , and the managers may have latitude to interpret the wishes of the owners and to pursue their own objectives .
3 Similarly ( and this is a point we develop in later chapters ) ‘ there is little opportunity for the individual to obtain a conception of the whole or to survey his place in the total scheme ’ .
4 It is likely that the motive for the new designs may have been to enhance the dignity of the King and to stress his magnificence ; it is impossible to say if there was any deliberate intention of claiming additional status for him , or if this was a subsequent interpretation of the imagery .
5 The medical profession were reluctant to accept the creation of the NHS and to obtain their agreement to the creation of the service they were allowed to retain their private practices .
6 Many organisations including the Town and Country Planning Association , Council for the Protection of Rural England , Royal Town Planning Institute , and the South East Economic Development Strategy have called for a comprehensive planning and transport strategy for the South East , arguing that this is essential both to protect the region from the adverse effects of the Tunnel and to maximise its benefits .
7 In 1984 his friend of many years , Liz Taylor , tried to get him back in front of the cameras and to conquer his alcoholism .
8 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
9 The first step in eradicating dry rot is to find the heart of the outbreak and to trace its extent with great care and thoroughness .
10 Everyone will try to guess the state of the market and to govern his actions accordingly .
11 The unrest of March 1 occurred when the ethnic Serbian police reservists in the newly-declared " Autonomous Region " attempted to take formal control of the town and to disarm their ethnic Croatian colleagues , in accordance with a decision adopted by the Pakrac municipal authority on Feb. 22 .
12 To make a profit , drug dealers sell you short measures or mix all sorts of dangerous materials in with drugs to give them a bigger share of the profits or to finance their own drug habits .
13 The main problem was that all the furniture had to be scaled down to suit the smaller stature of the Japanese and to fit their smaller homes .
14 It gives us the opportunity to shape the direction of the Community and to establish its priorities .
15 The arbitrator 's task is to look at and sniff the sample of the commodity and to apply his trade experience to determine its quality or condition .
16 Students will be asked to analyse and evaluate the learning gained as a result of the investigation and to describe their personal feelings and reactions to it .
17 Nevertheless , we must not be so swiftly carried away by talk of the job-market as to forget our democratic belief in the value of education as a good in itself , for everyone ; nor our individualistic belief in the concept of educational need .
18 The insurer is well entitled to enquire as to the handling of the claim and to discuss its handling throughout .
19 This will be used to identify the structure , dynamics and boundaries of the complex and to analyse its historical origins and its contemporary relevance for the crisis and future prospects of the South African economy .
20 However , after the Cuban revolution Soviet analysts began to include Latin America in their discussions of the underdeveloped world , and a series of initiatives were taken by Moscow both to overcome its ignorance of the area and to increase its presence there .
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