Example sentences of "of a [adj] [noun sg] was a " in BNC.

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1 The bringing of a criminal accusation was an open act , and its results were much more clear-cut because the punishment , if any , was publicly proclaimed .
2 The dock of a criminal court was a long way from the line ups Guppy is used to .
3 We must build and restore and this is possible even now , if only it were understood that the former dependence of museums on the resources of a criminal state was an abomination which there would be no shame in abandoning .
4 On the branch of a tall pine was a colourful small bird .
5 Staring at me through the branches of a twisted thorn was a tawny owl perched on a rock ledge .
6 He ended by saying that the prospect of a Labour government was a beacon of hope for millions of striving and oppressed people throughout the world .
7 At the time of my infarct I was three stone overweight , smoked 60 cigarettes a day , hated health food ; my idea of a perfect dinner was a plateful of greasy cholesterol .
8 Mme Catherine Lalumière , secretary general of the Council of Europe , explains : ‘ Adoption of the Council as the framework for the Pharmacopoeia rather than the creation of a European pharmacopoeia was a quite deliberate choice .
9 Opposition members in parliament said the proposal of a temporary name was a diplomatic failure and demanded the resignation of Mr Gligorov and the foreign minister , Denko Maleski .
10 Probably his supposed intention was a pure fiction of the monks ' imagination , but the remembrance of a lost opportunity was a heavy burden for them as they watched their rights being pared away under successive kings and archbishops .
11 Two months later , the designation of a single leader was a means to that end , not an end in itself .
12 The overthrow of a Foreign Secretary was a considerable achievement for a popular agitation , but this was to be the limit of the peace Ballot 's success .
13 But in addition , as the case of Exeter illustrated , the difficulty of containing the soaring running costs of a declining institution was an obvious concern .
14 The creation of a powerful State thus preceded the creation of a popular nationalism for these countries ( in contrast to most later cases ) , and , indeed , one could say that the manufacture of a popular patriotism was an instrument for the consolidation of State power here .
15 Shaking off the very idea of a German father was a wriggle of the shoulders , the thin cotton sleeves pushed down .
16 Of a different nature was a proposal from Enfield College of Technology , the first such to be considered , for a part-time BA in Social Science for qualified teachers .
17 A genuine social consciousness , motivated at least to some degree by idealism for the attainment of an educated democracy was an indispensable factor in a self-sustaining , progressive momentum for the growth of the WEA in rural areas .
18 The family was reasonably prosperous and their home in High Street , with its roof in the shape of an upturned boat was a well-known landmark .
19 A registrar of an adult-education college was a master of the technique of association .
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