Example sentences of "of a [adj] [noun] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , one disadvantage of a forward contract is that it can not be cancelled without the agreement of both counterparties .
2 The value of a condensing boiler is that it retrieves most of the expensively generated heat from flue gases and puts this heat back into the system .
3 Equation ( 9.89 ) shows that the reflection coefficient of a lossless line is or using equation ( 9.90 ) This result reveals that when the line is terminated in the characteristic impedance there is no reflection .
4 A major advantage of a personal pension is that if you change jobs you can take it with you without penalty .
5 Properly speaking , the force ( and also the weakness ) of a personal testimony is that it tells us as much about the person who believes as about the content of what he believes .
6 The next characteristic of a switching-off organization is that there are far too many people and far too many layers so that each employee feels that he has little or no headroom .
7 Another charge of a similar kind is that Barth was excessively concerned with ontology , with the rationale of the being of God ; that he misused biblical terms and concepts on the one hand by treating them semi-literally as ‘ ontic ’ , as descriptive of the way things actually are when they are often pictorial or metaphorical , and on the other hand by turning the whole of Scripture into a vast allegory of Jesus Christ ; and that this reflected a Platonist streak in his thinking which encouraged an unbalanced concentration on eternal realities rather than the actual world of concrete life and experience .
8 The second factor of importance with respect to the nature of a floating charge is that although a floating charge relates to future assets it is a present charge and not a future one .
9 The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts .
10 The major attraction of a fully-fledged GIS is that it gives access to large volumes of cartographic and attribute data which can be manipulated according to the needs of the user and the flexibility of the system software .
11 Lengthy works of great technical excellence have been written on the subject of costing , but the acid test of a well-organised system is that it provides useful information to management under each of the above headings .
12 The indication of a possible error is if the lexical look-up produces no allowable candidate strings , or if all candidates at a word position are rejected by further stages of analysis .
13 However , the great advantage of a good video is that you can actually witness the process of developing a piece of work , stage by stage , and be shown individual techniques , as well as be informed and entertained .
14 The mark of a good organisation is that it responds positively when things get tough .
15 If the criterion of a good comedian is whether or not he or she confronts prejudices rather than strokes them , Ben Elton looks as impressive as ever .
16 And you place it carefully on the printing plate so there 's lots of spare paper round it because the essence of a good etching is that it has breathing space all the way round .
17 The hallmark of a Diophantine equation is that the solutions should be integers ( whole numbers ) .
18 The advantage of a hard disk is that the programs and data are available whenever the computer is switched on , without having to find and run the correct floppy disk .
19 In fact one of the problems of a stratificational analysis is that it classifies women in a somewhat arbitrary manner , sometimes assigning to them the class of their husbands or fathers and sometimes determining their class by their own occupations .
20 The other most obvious difference between the researcher and the ordinary new member of a social group is that the former must keep detailed and accurate notes and records of everything observed and every impression gained .
21 A major disadvantage of a lexicon-based system is that if a word is absent from the lexicon then it will be rejected by the system .
22 The advantage of a muzzled ferret is that it can not kill a rabbit .
23 A key feature of a generative programme is that it can be made up of quite simple instructions , yet generate very complex forms .
24 The imperative for a writer of a chronological survey is that a defined period of time is covered ; this may be linked with a theme , such as the history of styles in Gombrich 's case , but it is unlikely to be linked solely with a spotlight on quality .
25 I stress that the principle which underlies the acceptance of a particular ECR is that any health authority will , ultimately , accept an ECR that is not wholly unjustifiable on clinical grounds .
26 But the notion of a token economy is that you reward desired behaviour at the point at which the behaviour is performed , okay ?
27 ‘ The danger of a hung Parliament is that it could hang Britain , ’ a senior Cabinet minister said yesterday .
28 A second consequence of the more explosive nature of a Surtseyan eruption is that the pyroclastic material gets scattered much more widely .
29 One essential feature of a switching language is that it be at least as specific as the languages to and from which it supports switching .
30 The assumption behind the Government 's imposition on London of a national band is that Londoners can afford to pay more , which is not true .
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