Example sentences of "the [num ord] [be] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The second is that it allows you to make a fast flank attack on the end of the enemy 's line with the possibility of rolling along it and taking lots of his troops in the flanks .
2 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
3 The second is that it does not appear satisfactory on policy grounds .
4 The second is that it unites psychology and biology since , in the early formulations , ‘ responses ’ were contractions of muscle groups , stimuli were physical events occurring at sensory receptors , and ‘ learning ’ was a real event occurring in the brain .
5 Like the third objection to the HCF model , the fourth is that it fails to prepare pupils for the pluralist world with its confusions , contradictions and instability .
6 The first is that it maintain a monopoly of economic power .
7 The first is that it preserves a clear field of fire for my missile troops .
8 The first is that it says nothing about W-cells .
9 The first is that it turned out , political intentions notwithstanding , that the officers of the NCC saw in the National Curriculum a way to ensure that all pupils would share a common curriculum , a goal they already espoused , and that the DES found it unexceptionable to present the National Curriculum in this way .
10 The first is that it shows well the distinction Engels makes between general principles — in this case the dissolution of communal organization and the rise of class — and specific cases .
11 The first is that it consists in visual imagery .
12 The first is that it introduces more subjectivity into the accounts .
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