Example sentences of "the [num] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Two million voted in the six republics that had formally declined to participate , among whom the level of support for the continued existence of the USSR was predictably very high .
2 Hubbub , shoving and ten good ideas before breakfast — the character , in short , of the 100 days that have just passed — need to give way to something different in the 1,361 that are left .
3 He added that he may appoint independent assessors to review the viability of the 10 pits that have already been closed .
4 The central criticisms levelled against Realism related to its definition of terms , especially the three terms that did most work — power , the balance of power , and the national interest .
5 But this implies that if we regressed C t on the three variables and entered separately , rather than as a sum as in equation ( 3.18 ) , we should observe that the coefficients estimated on these three variables are approximately all the same , as they are all estimates of α t , provided that we have specified the model correctly .
6 Use the five steps and chart below to work out a reasonable estimate of the cost of rebuilding your home .
7 The 15 companies that banded together include Sun Microsystems Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co , Tivoli Systems Inc , Hyperdesk Corp , Novell Inc , Digital Equipment Corp and all of the object database concerns .
8 The 14 days that follow never fail to amaze me — you can observe the development of the embryo within each egg by day .
9 Mr Gorbachev still lacks them in the two areas that matter most .
10 Erm and it , it was quite interesting but I , I think that the two groups that presented actually did , had chosen different methods .
11 He went up to the two detectives and coughed delicately .
12 Such a conception allows for a greater fluidity between the two modes than has hitherto been found acceptable .
13 the the two brothers that went away and they were driving a car and one said to the other , watch what you 're doing and the other said to him , but I 'm not driving so .
14 Julia compared the food of the two parties and decided unhappily that she liked both the dish-of-herbs meal of this evening and also the elaborate deliciousness of avocado mousse , sole and boeuf en croûte of the previous day .
15 Just George , just to respond to the two points that have just been made .
16 Mr Wang was a top student leader of the 1989 demonstrations that saw more than a million people take to the streets calling for more democracy and demanding the end of corruption and special privileges for officials .
17 The NSDAP gained only 43 of the 72 seats and polled less than 60 per cent of the vote .
18 If the Government do introduce the order , will that not mean that the 5 million liability orders already granted and the 200 imprisonments that have already been made are illegal ?
19 , Mean relative tail lengths of the species with the longest streamer tail ( pintail or deep fork ) and graduated tail in each of the seven families that contain both long tail types ( Psittacidae , Caprimulgidae , Trochilidae , Tyrannidae , Monarchidae , Ploceidae and Paradisaeidae ) .
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