Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [noun prp] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They 're there for one reason and one reason only I know , cos I 've been involved in fox hunting , I 've shot and fished but I 'll tell you something , was also trained to hunt humans , going back many years ago , when I was in the Falkland Islands training for the event that happened eventually .
2 They stand in a line along the south side of Glen Nevis , worthy counterparts to those of the Ben Nevis range on the north side , not quite as high but of better appearance and much more photogenic from the floor of the glen .
3 Mr Coskun Yenici , aged 28 , who sold his kidney for £3,000 to finance medical treatment for his father , had to carry the other donor , Mrs Hatice Anutkan , out of the Wellington Humana hospital after the surgery last November .
4 On Thursday The King Bees play at the same venue .
5 The woman from Northampton , was offered a lift outside the King Billy pub in the town , but instead of driving her home , she says the man drove her to Salcey Forest , bound her hands and raped her .
6 The King James translation of the Book of Genesis renders the first line as In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth , confident that prior to God there was nothing , that Yahweh created the universe ex nihilo .
7 It all takes place at the I.M. Marsh Campus of the John Moores University , which is in Bankhill Road , Aigburth .
8 His fellows include those who brought bananas from the Indian Ocean coast to the highlands of east Africa , those who brought cassava from the Atlantic coast of Angola to the forests of Zaire , and those who first trekked the hump-backed Zebu cattle down the valley of the Nile .
9 The gig will take place in the La Zenith Arena in the La Cigalle area of the French capital on December 22 .
10 A reporter at the time describes the La Scala Girls at the Palace :
11 Notable goldsmithing was also practised under the patronage of Celtic chieftains in the La Tene phase of the pre-Roman Iron Age over a territory extending from Switzerland to Ireland .
12 The gig will take place in the La Zenith Arena in the La Cigalle area of the French capital on December 22 .
13 Fifty minutes after she left , at about 3pm , two UFF gunmen walked into the Jon David salon in the west of the city and shot Mr Hughes ( 40 ) several times .
14 The quote from the William Tell Overture in the first movement may be deliberately banal , but more to the point , I find that it actually is banal .
15 Although some of these technological fixes indicate a degree of desperation and hopelessness associated with the smog problem , the magnitude of the problem still existing in the Los Angeles basin in the 1980s prompted Heicklin ( 1981 ) to suggest the technological fix of introducing diethylhydroxylamine as a ‘ relatively inexpensive and safe ’ chemical inhibitor of smog .
16 On the issue of emergency urban aid , a subject which had become an urgent priority following the Los Angeles riots at the end of April [ see pp. 38856 ; 38894 ] , Senate and House conferees agreed on a $2,000 million relief package on June 5 .
17 On this day : the Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes was renamed Yugoslavia , 1929 ; the first British atomic device was exploded in the Monte Bello islands in the Pacific , 1952 ; the Bolshoi Ballet appeared at Covent Garden for the first time , 1956 .
18 British parties were much in evidence , pursuing climbs like Pic Coolidge via the South Ridge ( F ) from the Temple Ecrins hut for the views , and Les Bans by the E.N.E. Ridge ( PD/PD+ ) from the Pilatte hut — what Collomb claims is ‘ One of the best general mountaineering routes in the park . ’
19 ROY McDONOUGH , now nearing the end of his initial season as player-manager of Colchester , last night led his team to the final of the Vauxhall FA Trophy for the first time .
20 However , I have had occasion recently to visit the Church Road offices of the Environmental Health and Building Control sections of the Council and I have been appalled to see the conditions in which these people have to work .
21 For further details on garments in the collection or postcards of the styles , customers are advised to contact the Edel MacBride shop in the Craft Village in Derry .
22 Centre Tim Horan was a firm favourite with the black and coloured youngsters who showed up at the Wallaby coach-in held at the Dan Qeqe Stadium in the Zwide township near Port Elizabeth .
23 The other real piece of gentrification relates to the development of the Dockwray Square site in the east end of North Shields , a dramatic location looking over Shields harbour .
24 The first instance ( labour ) court fully upheld the claim on the basis of the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts in conjunction with Act 1414/1984 , i.e. it applied aforementioned well established case law relating to unlawful refusal to hire , mentioning also the von Colson judgment of the ECJ .
25 So the area is taken to be that south of the Shetland-Iceland-Greenland ridges as far as Cap Blanc in the eastern Atlantic and the Demerara Abyssal Plain in the west .
26 Sunday night was the Gala Dinner and champagne cocktail party in the Sachsen Coburg Salon at the Marriott Hotel .
27 The Phnom Penh leadership of the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) restated fundamental objections to the peace plan agreed by the five permanent members of the Security Council ( see p. 37712 ) , and the armed conflict intensified with the onset of the dry season .
28 Alatas and Avice failed , however , to persuade the Vietnamese to place pressure on the Phnom Penh leadership of the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) to accept the plan as a whole .
29 Helen Jones of Paul 's Lane , Southport , said she had met Kirk three years earlier when they both worked as care assistants at the Godfrey Ermine Home for the Blind .
30 The gesture not only delighted Ellen but touched staff at the Godfrey Ermen Home for the Blind in Southport where the couple met and fell in love eight years ago .
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