Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [verb] been [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 One EC official said yesterday that the problem of fraud involving the Vatican had been understood for several years , and that attempts were being made to stamp it out .
2 All the Beaufort and the VWH had been penalized for skinny-dipping .
3 In point of fact the JCS had been pressing for consistent applications of containment ever since 1947 , had identified US security interests with Nationalist success in China and had declared that , if the Chinese Nationalists were to fall , the US must be prepared to accept eventual Soviet hegemony over Asia .
4 In terms of ideology it is exactly what the FMLN has been fighting for these past seven years .
5 Armenia 's nuclear power station was closed in February 1989 because of earthquake fears , while construction of nuclear plants in Krasnodar and the Crimea had been terminated for the same reason , after popular protests and construction of several reactors of the Chernobyl type had also been halted .
6 This second tranche of the SAF had been withheld for six months until Sri Lanka had agreed to the implementation of a policy framework paper outlining the conditions for the government 's stabilization programme .
7 O — Outstanding : All details of the SPR have been entered and the SPR has been submitted for distribution to affected users .
8 O — Outstanding All details of the SPR have been entered and the SPR has been submitted for distribution to affected users .
9 O — Outstanding — All details of the SPR have been entered and the SPR has been submitted for distribution to affected users .
10 The opening night of the Folies had been postponed for two days .
11 The NNDR has been criticised for not addressing the deficiencies identified by the government in the previous system .
12 Reintroduction of the Law on entry to and exit from the USSR had been delayed for almost 18 months in committee since its first reading .
13 In the past the CEGB had been criticised for its lack of foresight in building high operating cost oil-fired stations and expensive nuclear stations in the face of cheaply fuelled coal-fired stations .
14 The government had already agreed to meeting Unita this week and the UN had been waiting for Unita to set the date , UN officials said .
15 In the early hours of Sunday 13 February 1692 , Captain Campbell , from a clan hostile to the Macdonalds , along with 120 of his soldiers , whom the Macdonalds had been entertaining for the previous fortnight , suddenly fell upon their hosts and butchered them , shooting Macdonald himself in the back and killing nearly 70 men , women and children .
16 Since 1971 , 1280 kg of plutonium produced in the UK has been exported for civil purposes principally to Belgium , France , the Federal Republic of Germany , Switzerland , Japan and the United States .
17 Since the publication in 1982 of the Barclay Report , Social Workers : Their Role and Tasks , many social services departments in the UK have been searching for ways of putting into practice ideas about community-based social work .
18 If the package has changed and the DCs have been aborted for some reason , but you still wish to proceed with the change , raise new DCs , get agreement for the changes , activate the Dcs through your package , then resubmit the package for approval .
19 While women in the West have been fighting for the right to be accepted as builders , train drivers , engineers and scientists .
20 The US has been trying for a decade to clinch the deal , not least because it would give its nuclear forces control of what is seen as the strategically vital Pacific zone and a new set of options if its Philippine naval and air bases are threatened .
21 According to an announcement on July 16 , 1990 , two diplomats at the Czechoslovak embassy in The Hague had been expelled for espionage , one at the beginning of the year and the other in June .
22 The DTI has been criticised for underestimating the number of children injured each year by fireworks .
23 Gloucester has always been an important centre for the water-borne movement of goods , its quays dating back many centuries , and as far back as anyone can trace , the Severn has been used for both the import and export of a multitude of commodities .
24 The Lemonheads have been touring for about three months , first in America and now in Europe , and this has been the first real glitch they 've encountered .
25 You should ensure that the DC has been submitted for agreement using option 2.1.3 — Submit DC .
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