Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [noun] do [not/n't] have " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , corporates issuing directly in the CP market did not have to bear the costs associated with reserve requirements , requirements which encouraged the banks themselves to favour off balance sheet instruments .
2 Callers using the Crimestoppers line do not have to give their name and so can pass on information in confidence .
3 The England manager does not have the confidence of the nation .
4 The England manager does not have the confidence of the nation .
5 If the tradition still exists today — and it appears that it very much does so — it implies that the United Kingdom does not have for many loyalists a natural character of statehood in the way the Southern state has for catholic nationalists .
6 At the outset the book recognises that ‘ the United Kingdom does not have a monopoly on the best ideas or all of the problems ’ , so it is not a surprise to see discussion of Woonerven in the context of environmental protection and enhancement .
7 I 'm afraid it still does happen that there is fanaticism , which is fanaticism is , as I understand it , self-righteousness with a strong religious dimension , and it does happen and I 've spoken of forces that erode it , but they can also exacerbate it , irritate it , into stronger activity , and of course we erm in the United Kingdom do n't have to look very far to see that happening , and it is , I think , a very great threat .
8 The cruise missile also has not been tested to its full distance overland , because the United States does not have the space .
9 Currently the United States does not have a droit de suite , a law that mandates that artists receive a percentage of the price of a work each time it changes hands .
10 The United States does not have a feudal history .
11 The president , according to the constitution has the executive power that executive power depends to a large part on the willingness of congress to provide the legal framework moments in which there is harmony and cooperation between president and congress tend to be exceptional rather than er a regular feature of the American system and if er the president manages to get something through congress , you can bet that very quickly the president will face some defeat in congress shortly thereafter to remind the president that the United States does not have , contrary to the popular press , does not have a presidential system of government .
12 The MF cab did n't have an air-conditioning system attached to it , and Mr Tomlinson was keen to have one fitted .
13 But until now the Spanish title has always eluded them , more because the Opel range did not have an outright winning car than any shortcoming on Meeke 's part .
14 Successive Labour spokesmen tried to establish that the Thatcher Government did not have its heart in the health service .
15 Whatever the explanation , it is very sad that the Manchester force does not have the necessary computer capacity .
16 Unlike Mr Crosby , the Norwich manager did not have the groundswell of support when he was appointed .
17 However , the overwhelming majority of recruits to the best jobs at the airport are recruited , unavoidably it seems , outside Shetland ( as yet the Shetland workforce does not have the relevant training or skills ) .
18 This part of the Belfast project does not have an analogue in the Philadelphia Project on Linguistic Change and Variation .
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