Example sentences of "the [det] time [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The more time given to the agency , the more likely it is to provide a satisfactory response .
2 The G M B and Apex Partnership shop stew stewards and representatives of Leyland Daf played a magnificent part , maximizing jobs whilst at the same time looking after the needs of those thrown on the scrap heap through no fault of their own .
3 There is no point in reading quickly , however , unless you are able at the same time to take in the meaning of what you are reading .
4 To turn away from reality is at the same time to withdraw from the community of man .
5 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
6 ‘ Hi di Hi ’ , the collective address of ‘ Goodnight Campers ’ — these greetings welcomed millions to packaged mass pleasure and at the same time contributed to the growing marginalization of other practices in leisure .
7 There was a strong monarchist party among the Evallonians , who wished to reinstate their former dynasty , at present represented by an attractive young prince , and at the same time insisted on the revision of Evallonian boundaries .
8 He considers a trust in favour of the family fideicommissum familiae relictum ) : a settlor has established it ; a member of the family is benefiting from it , but he is at the same time bound by the trust to hand on the property on death to a further member of the family .
9 So I clung to the concept of ideal love for you , at the same time hoping for the even more impossibly ideal physical fulfilment and completion that would seal our closeness for ever .
10 I wonder if I could have belonged to revolutionary movements , even if they were as just as — I find the panthers ' movement and the Palestinians ' movement to be very just — but this belonging , this sympathizing with them is at the same time dictated by the erotic charge which the Arab world in its totality or the black American world represents to me , to my sexuality .
11 Yet to a very large extent German efforts were contradictory : Völkisch opinion wished Germany to remain as it was and yet somehow to return to the past ; they wanted to return to the past yet at the same time wished for the power to behave as they pleased .
12 Existing or anticipated high interest rates may in fact depress share prices and hence call prices thus permitting the investor to buy the option contracts at very favourable prices while at the same time benefitting from the attractive rates on offer in the money markets .
13 Place fingertips on the larynx whilst you hum and feel the tingling on your lips , and count up to ten or say a simple phrase in your loudest voice and at the same time concentrate on the feeling on the finger tips .
14 Thus the Vatican Declaration can freely admit that the former reasons for not ordaining women are now discredited , while at the same time pointing to the constancy of the tradition .
15 ‘ Thank you both , ’ Beth told them , at the same time stepping between the men and Cissie ; she did not like the way the younger man was regarding the girl .
16 Without uttering a word , fitzAlan jerked Isabel roughly forward , at the same time riffling through the parchments scattered over the table .
17 She hesitated , sadly , desperately anxious to accept , absurdly delighted that he had asked her , that he had so coolly bothered to cross the room to ask her , and yet at the same time horrified by the thought of displaying herself , by the thought of dragging her hideous dress from its hole-in-the-corner obscurity , by the thought of dancing at all , for she did not know how to dance .
18 I think we 're now in the third phase , where women are expected to have a job , but at the same time to look after the family and keep themselves alluring to men .
19 Barthes 's approach to S/Z has the merit of respecting the individual play of a given text while at the same time relying on the general concept of the scriptible and the lisible to do so .
20 " But first , ladies and gentlemen , you should know that Dr McNab holds the discredited belief that you catch cholera by drinking … more precisely , that in cholera the morbific matter is taken into the alimentary canal causing diarrhoea , that the poison is at the same time reproduced in the intestines and passes out with the discharges , and that by these so-called " rice-water " discharges becoming mingled with the drinking water of others the disease is communicated from one person to another continually multiplying itself as it goes .
21 This is one respect in which active citizenship is important because involvement in the community by voluntary work and political activity serves to foster a sense in the participating citizen of belonging to the community and of national identity , while at the same time contributing to the common welfare .
22 The operation of this 3% in three year rule is likely to be unduly restrictive when it first applies because of the expected need to grant substantial new options to sharesave scheme participants and at the same time allow for the first allocations under the proposed executive share option scheme .
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