Example sentences of "the [det] [adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the half dozen or so field officers patrolling the districts , some of the areas in the northern authority have provision for a small number of additional posts .
2 Of the half dozen or so packages available the two sent for test were InteCalc and InteWord ; a spreadsheet and word processor respectively .
3 An assistant education officer is in charge of one of the half dozen or so branches into which the work of the education service is divided , such as secondary education or further education .
4 Modern methods have made these kilns redundant , and the many hundreds that once formed the Potteries ' smoky skyline have nearly all disappeared .
5 The many interesting and sometimes elaborate forms of instinctive behaviour shown by insects have often been described and some have also been explained as simple taxes and kineses or interpreted in more complex ethological terms ( Tinbergen , 1951 ; Baerends , 1959 ; Fraenkel and Gunn , 19612 ; Thorpe , 1963 ; Haskell , 1966 ; Evans , 1966 ; von Frisch , 1967 ; Sudd , 1967 ; Ewing and Manning , 1967 ; Manning , 1972 ) .
6 Amongst the many excellent and well researched books that have been written on the subject of bereavement the following are outstanding in their capacity to help those who have suffered a major loss : Grief and how to live with it by Sarah Morris ( published in 1971 by George Allen and Unwin ) ; A grief observed by C. S. Lewis ( published in 1961 by Faber and Faber ) — of particular interest to widowers — and Bereavement .
7 The objects in Braque 's painting like the Still Life with Fruit Dish ( Moderna Museet , Stockholm ) , which is roughly contemporary with the Compotier , are more faceted , and the whole surface is broken up in terms of the same angular but subtly modulated planes which carry the eye back into a limited depth and then forward again on to the picture plane in a series of gentle declivities and projections .
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