Example sentences of "the [det] [noun] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Singapore is one of the few countries that supports the reality of global business .
2 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
3 Those who would follow the extensive design can be sure that their results are typical , but they must hypothesize as to whether the few properties that survive the working of the inverse ratio between extension and intension have any individuality at all ( De Waele and Harre , 1976 ) .
4 When young , it is one of the few wines that makes a good partner for salads .
5 So that I think has been the biggest , communication-wise , has been the biggest step forward in a more erm friendly and er happier sort of note we , we were one of the few brigades that started a band .
6 The river 's edge , where Virgil 's ghosts held out their arms in longing for the farther shore , and Dante , as a living man , was refused passage by the ferryman , the few planks that mark the meeting point of land and water , there , surely , is a place to stop and reflect , even if , as Father Watson did , you stumble over a ten-gallon tin of creosote .
7 This would fit the many reports that had the young mother dying in childbirth , for had it been one of the aforementioned ladies Wild Will might well have been rather proud of himself .
8 The first thing you notice is that Egor has no weapons — he has to rely solely on his limited athletic ability to negotiate the many platforms and dodge the terrifying ‘ things ’ that patrol the six game areas .
9 Visit the celebrated pyramids and Sphinx , the Egyptian Museum and some of the many mosques that characterise the region .
10 In a number of ways , the police are making positive responses to suggestions of working together to tackle problem areas and undertake inter-agency approaches to the many problems that need a co-operative approach .
11 From the brown hide couch in the sitting room , and the two matching armchairs set either side of the old range , the pretty cottage paintings and floral drapes throughout the house , the many ornaments that decorated every room , Beth was able to glimpse the nature of the woman who had lived and died here — David 's mother .
12 He wanted Siward 's army over the centre , and also over the bright , narrow vein of the deepest of the many rivulets that seamed the field , running down to the Forth .
13 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
14 I need hardly remind you of the many emergencies that Save The Children has responded to in recent years .
15 Would it not be nice for the SRU to encourage the latter course and pick a full Scotland team to meet them , treating the match as a full ‘ capped ’ game ?
16 Finally , Morgan commented that enormous demands were placed on the staff of the latter unit and recommended a review of its organization .
17 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
18 Managers have realised that the more information and training a new member of staff is given when they start work , the more confident they feel and the better they operate .
19 The Nord-Pas-de-Calais strategy is clearly designed to pull it in the former camp and has a number of existing advantages to draw upon including a good geographical position and relatively low land prices , wages and corporate taxation rates .
20 One elder in a blanket rests his sticks against the wall of the former jail and has a pee , contributing minutely to the eventual disappearance of the police station .
21 The Athlete 's Diary is one of a growing number of products available to assist the former group and encourage the latter to mend their lackadaisical ways .
22 He attacked the British Government for its stand on refugees from war torn areas of the former Yugoslavia and criticised the British public for offering solutions to the crisis in the former Yugoslavia when conflict in Northern Ireland continues .
23 It is built of the same materials and shows the same Moorish features of decoration and construction ( 415 ) .
24 Where once it was the main streets of the decaying inner city which hosted the most fearsome encounter between Britons and their most improbable and intimidating other — black youth — now it is the classrooms and staff rooms of the inner-city school which frame the same conflict and provide the most potent terms with which to make sense of racial difference .
25 Dare I say that a set of vintage pickups and a lick of conductive paint would almost complete the sonic illusion , in the same way that burying the neck and body in peat for a few months would crown the guitar 's appearance !
26 In the same way when choosing a frame , it is better to use a wooden or plain gold frame rather than a pastel colour or something that is heavily decorated .
27 In the same way as taking the surname of the male in marriage tends to make tracing the female branches of the family more difficult , the use of the term man tends to make women 's history disappear .
28 This increases the money supply in the same way as does a balance of payments surplus .
29 Private benefits from more children in the same way as adding an extra livestock unit to the communal pasture are positive , but the public benefits may be negative .
30 It is my contention that a similar process is occurring for at least a significant part of the people of Tyneside today , although it is not affecting everyone in the same way and involves a complex process of what may be more apparent than real social differentiation .
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