Example sentences of "the [noun pl] were [prep] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the stations were in many respects designed to avoid these encounters across class and racial boundaries as much as possible .
2 For instance , instead of sending work to the paint shop to be painted , the painters were in many cases permanently located at points where work was sufficiently finished .
3 Referring their readers to the HMI 's survey of teachers in their first year in the profession , they repeat the survey 's ‘ finding ’ that ‘ the personal qualities of the teachers were in many cases the decisive factor in their effectiveness ’ .
4 The verderers were intended to act as a check upon the paid Forest officers in the interests of the Crown , but the numerous instances already cited of peculation and extortion on the part of the latter seem to indicate that the verderers were in many instances overawed by the authority and influence of the wardens and foresters of fee .
5 It was n't just that the parents had to be kept under control despite the fact that they and the police were in many respects working at cross purposes , it was the danger of some third party interfering … a go-between with power and influence was what the Captain dreaded most …
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