Example sentences of "the [noun pl] of [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If war was a means of achieving peace , or social and political harmony and order , how compatible were the activities of many soldiers with that aim ?
2 The provisions of the Charities Act 1992 probably affect the activities of most charities in the UK .
3 A letter dated 11 October 1262 from Roger de Doncaster , king 's clerk , to John de Kirkby , the chancellor tells us something about the activities of these men in the French capital .
4 Again , this is not radically different from the attitudes of many parents towards children of higher intelligence , who believe that their children should experience pre-school education , perhaps attending a play school or nursery from the age of three onwards , and then encouraging them to pursue further education at school leaving age .
5 Among the manifestations of these attitudes are the statements of some defendants in rape trials , which may show an indifference towards the wishes of women , or a belief that the wearing of attractive clothes or an invitation to coffee is a sure sign of willingness to engage in sex ; and the attitudes of some police-officers in the early 1980s , influenced by any one of a number of assumptions about the prevalence of false complaints of rape , about the ‘ typical ’ rape as an attack by a stranger , about the presence of injuries or bruises in ‘ genuine ’ rapes , and so forth .
6 Bouvet 's writings reflected the opinions of many chroniclers of the period who wrote as vociferous critics of the excesses of the soldiery .
7 The rate is the net amount required by the local authority to meet the estimated expenditure and is levied on the occupiers of all properties in the valuation list according to the assessment of each property .
8 By 1990 , over two-thirds of the occupiers of all dwellings in the British Isles would own them .
9 Further implementation of the tax reforms were delayed , against the wishes of many members of the ruling Popular Democratic Party ( Partido Popular Democrático — PPD ) in the legislature .
10 The merger of Hachette and Matra was approved with an overwhelming majority by the shareholders of both companies on 29th December .
11 Thus , Titmuss ridiculed the contortions of some economists in trying to base models on unreal statistical categories , such as that of the ubiquitous ‘ average family ’ ( Abel-Smith and Titmuss , 1987 , p. 9 ) .
12 He knew very well the dangers of any allusions to any of these articles , but the mere unavoidable act of looking at them was more than enough for his hostess .
13 The court should take into account the views of all parties including the child before making a direction .
14 As is often the case with such surveys , no clear consensus emerged over many of the questions and some apparently contradictory points were made ( ‘ Not enough homework ’ ; ‘ too heavy a coursework load ’ ) but the whole exercise must have yielded useful information for teachers and a welcome awareness among parents that here is an open school much concerned about the quality of experience it offers its students and responsive to the views of all partners in the education service .
15 The huge number of prosecutions for wood stealing supports the views of most commentators on the South and East that scarcity of fuel was a major aspect of the poor living of rural labourers .
16 Kenneth Baker echoed the views of most MPs in a Commons debate in 1990 : ‘ If the concept of British justice is to mean anything , we must retain the possibility of rectifying a mistaken verdict .
17 Legislation on the position of the local languages in early 1989 aroused more controversy : according the views of some commentators in Izvestiya , the new directives , at least in Estonia , placed non-native speakers at a considerable disadvantage and probably infringed their civil rights .
18 The research also involved collecting and reporting the views of some students at Ashdown .
19 The international events of 1935 and 1936 tended to confirm the views of both extremes of the Labour Party .
20 With the once cool moist forest falling , the maidenhair ferns that had arched on fine black stems in the shade blistered , the bromeliads ' swordpoints discoloured by direct light and the monkeys and the birds of many colours in retreat , she wanted punishment , hers and others ' .
21 It is views such as those expressed in the article which are the foundations of all forms of apartheid .
22 Having examined the foundations of these styles of public law thought , we should now seek to test our understanding of them by reference to our experience of the subject .
23 An understanding of the complexities of both components of communicating is likely to help people to carry which is effective and brings satisfaction to themselves and to others .
24 I visited a one-man research station of the Cyprus Department of Agriculture who invited me to taste the products of many combinations of variety and soil .
25 Brush the insides of these holes with some apricot glaze .
26 After making corrections for the spotting order of the microtitre plates all the data were combined into two files , one listing the probes used and the other listing the hybridisations of all probes to each clone .
27 We can not , at the moment at least , predict the values of these numbers from theory — we have to find them by observation .
28 In some cases within the present study the very close correspondence in the titles of some pairs of theses originating in the same university at different times ( e.g. see numbers 156 and 347 ) , suggests that such repetition may have occurred .
29 It is featured proudly on the cheeseboards of several temples of gastronomy , and richly deserves much wider acclaim .
30 The BM attempts to minimize E by repeatedly adjusting the settings of all switches except the inputs , according to this rule .
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