Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The creditors had come from every corner of the globe and filled up the ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto with their lawyers and advisers .
2 The calls had come from a call-box because there 'd been the call-box signal before the money was put in .
3 PC Fishwick said it is likely the ties have come from a shop in the North-East or North Yorkshire .
4 Most of the refugees had come from the Kurgan-Tyube region , the scene of bitter fighting between pro- and anti-government forces .
5 At one time the two water companies were in active competition and any person paying the rates , whether landlord or tenant , could change his water company as easily as his butcher or baker … although this state of things has long since ceased , and the companies have come to an arrangement so that the people can not now change their supply , all the same , the result of their earlier competition remains .
6 This is especially important if the mice have come from a source that is not usually used and if the health status of the colony of origin is unknown .
7 The parents had come to the conclusion , after soliciting expert opinion , that her needs could best be met in a special ( and , as it happened , private ) school .
8 Perhaps , he said , the hijackers had come on the train .
9 The ideas have to come from the facts .
10 The sounds had come from a hundred yards east of the dell .
11 I did n't understand her questions was it the figures had come from the private sector I 'm not sure if she understood it herself either erm we 've talked in the social services planning cuts committee about a list of homes for refurbishment and Mr wanted a very long list er a list which would blight every home not on the list .
12 Although Allied have been working steadily to free or sell their required quota of pubs under government rules , few of the disposals have come from the 700-plus London estate of Taylor Walker .
13 By May the cadets had come to the end of their training .
14 By the time they had reached Martha 's house , most of the neighbours had come into the narrow street to watch .
15 I wonder if those idiots realise just how much they frighten you and me … people who support a system because , in the end , the answers have to come through the system .
16 According to his informant , the arms had come into the quarter the previous day .
17 One of the girls had to come to the door to call him .
18 Most of the entrepreneurs have come to the US because of the access to capital and the willingness to accept risk .
19 The passage of the Riot Act of 1715 , which made assembling for political ( as well as other ) purposes potentially a capital offence , reveals how far the Whigs had come from the early days when they had actively promoted political demonstrations and deliberately sought an alliance with " the crowd " .
20 They had not looked to see whether the police had come into the main road in time to see .
21 Mr. Philipson addressed an impassioned argument that it would be quite wrong for the court to vary the injunction at the behest of the defendants , seeing that they had flouted Morland J. 's order , as a result of which the documents had come into the hands of the Federal Reserve Board , who had in turn passed the information to the Bank of England ; and that it would be the antithesis of justice that the consequence of this misconduct should be the discharge of the very injunction which had been designed to protect the plaintiffs from these consequences .
22 The waiters had come with the drinks .
23 The lien of a solicitors ' firm over clients ' papers pending payment of its costs will not be lost by a change in membership so long as the papers have come into the firm 's possession before the change : they can not ( subject always to any specific arrangements with the client to the contrary ) lawfully be retained after such a change in respect of a debt falling due before that event .
24 Most of the principals had come with the intention of delivering their manifestos , irrespective of the line of questioning .
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