Example sentences of "the [noun pl] and [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Commentators noted that the anti-government activity was now coming from young people with no direct experience of the events of the mid-1970s and pointed to youth unemployment and associated social problems as an element in the agitation .
2 but we obviously have to cut off at a certain time to er get the accounts and audited in time .
3 Ankrah , commanding the Ghana army , was retired he was due for retirement anyway ( he had come up through the ranks and served in Burma ) .
4 I lay down in the woods and went to sleep .
5 Meanwhile , Noah Claypole , amazed by all that he had heard , crept up the steps and ran for Fagin 's house as fast as his legs could carry him .
6 She jumped down the steps and pushed past Marco into the airlock .
7 Without legal connections and with little money , he judged that progress would be easier in the provinces and went to Manchester , where he built up a mainly civil practice until Sir David Napley , Jeremy Thorpe 's solicitor , happened to see him in action .
8 I got into bed beside my sleeping daughter , peeled aside all but one of the covers and went to sleep .
9 Penry lifted her aboard , then untied the moorings and leapt on deck after her .
10 The man turned sideways in the bushes and looked at Lok along his shoulder .
11 After his conversation with the Zoo Curator Mr Wolski had gone down to the eagles and stared into Minch 's empty cage .
12 I had read the pamphlets and knew of relaxation , meditation , imaging , healing and counselling but they meant little to me .
13 My wife and I chose the questions and acted as quizmasters .
14 Sabrina ignored the fleeing youth on the rollerskates and went in pursuit of his accomplice .
15 A few minutes later , when Nelly was preoccupied , I 'm sorry to say my cowardice got the better of me and I crept out of the room , down the stairs and ran off home .
16 Now they lay under the spindle-trees and sniffed in weariness and doubt at the strange , bare country round them .
17 Taking wings of it back on either side of her face , she anchored them with the combs and stood in front of the looking glass to assess the result .
18 But I had informed the police and asked for help even before the doorbell rang .
19 They pushed their way through the hall and up a stone-flagged passageway , past grated windows where poor debtors shook their begging bowls through the bars and whined for alms .
20 A test was arranged involving a detachment of Guards who lined up along the WCs and flushed in unison .
21 Substrate was applied to the sections and incubated for 3–5min , resulting in a brown reaction product .
22 The government 's Minister for Humanitarian Affairs , seconded from the Chadian Human Rights League , criticized Interior Ministry officials in connection with the shootings and resigned in protest at the killings .
23 He walked amongst the olives and flirted with Frederica , Caroline , Monique and Marie-Claire whilst talking folklore seriously with Monsieur .
24 With a withering glance , he returned his attention to the letters and began to rifle through them .
25 Flags and banners reddened the streets and fluttered from trams .
26 Although mistrusting children , he showed an absorbed interest as he took the photographs and gazed at Henrietta ( fourteen ) , Samantha ( just ten ) and the baby Jacqueline ( now three and born after a long period during which Hugh had displayed a lack of interest in physical contact ) .
27 Finding nothing , it lashed at the walls and screamed in fury .
28 On 16 April , the day of the vigil , I put on my smart suit for the last of the interviews and went into work to look through the papers .
29 Varro studied the Celts and appeared to St Jerome to be a great authority on them ( P.L. 26.353 ) .
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