Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [is] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The other major weakness of the proposals is that they do not properly identify the nature of the problem .
2 The chief importance of the cases is that they illustrate general principles .
3 The problem with the mixtures is that they have never been proved in the classical homoeopathic way , as had been done with the original remedies .
4 An interesting feature of the jades is that they included numerous pieces in the form of halberd blades .
5 However , the reason for linguistic interest in the maxims is that they generate inferences beyond the semantic content of the sentences uttered .
6 The reason I single out the engineers rather than the commentators or the producers is that they ensured the best pictures of the University Boat Race ever seen , as well as the usual smooth coverage of the Grand National .
7 The distinctive feature of the beliefs is that they assert or imply the honour or prestige due to the group over and against another or other groups , and consequently motivate the group to achieve such honour on the field of social conflict .
8 The reason for putting the onus of proof on the firms is that they have both the incentive to make the case , and access to the detailed information on which the case is to be based .
9 ‘ Easy , ’ I replied , ‘ You see , the things about the Americans is that they 've absolutely no CLAAAARSE . ’
10 I mean personally I think one of the difficulties in the colleges is that they do still have a sense of being at schools , and when you have an atmosphere which is like school you 're tacitly given people permission to act as if they were at school , and so we have a and that activity may not always be very adult , so we have to find a way of changing the environment of the colleges .
11 Heath was calling for a decisive mandate to put the unions in their place , but the most striking feature of the results is that they offered no party any decisive mandate whatever .
12 However , the plea continually made to us by senior police officers and members of the Police Federation and other organisations representing the police is that they do not have sufficient people .
13 The problem for the police is that they have almost no chance of determining whether Mr Kevorkian assisted or not .
14 The only problem with the guides is that they tell you little of the quality of the goods in the shop .
15 What is wrong with the Greens is that they do not acknowledge the profound economic difficulties , and all their attendant national and international jealousies and suspicions , which obstruct the path to an environmentally safer world .
16 ‘ I think the most important thing for the residents is that they have been given their dignity back , ’ said the Duchess afterwards .
17 One of the main requirements of the analysts is that they view the organisation in a fresh and open way .
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