Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb base] [pron] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Fergie 's worries are compounded by suspension , injuries and the foreigners rule which will force him to bring in one 17-year-old youth player — and have three others on the bench .
2 During the miners strike you will recall he was tremendously supportive and outspoken and is still outspoken against this government 's attack on working people .
3 Turnover has increased by 21.4% to £502,811 and the directors believe it will continue to improve .
4 I assure the hon. Gentleman that the citizens charter and the parents charter which will follow from it in Northern Ireland will not undermine that policy initiative .
5 After a few weeks the foal gains sufficient confidence to start establishing friendships with other foals , and as the weeks pass it will spend more time with them , and less with its mother — unless it is frightened , and then it will dash back to her side for security and reassurance .
6 It must be tight-fitting but at the same time easy to remove , for as the caterpillars grow they will consume enormous amounts of nettles .
7 As soon as the eggs hatch you will need to provide a plentiful supply of the plant that the caterpillar feeds on .
8 The Boks know they will have a job containing one of England 's most exciting prospects .
9 Once the initial product is out , the firms say they will add more communications options for Sun workstation users .
10 Once the initial product is out , the firms say they will add more connectivity options for Sun workstation users .
11 Of course the other irony as well is that the powers that meet at the conference at St Petersburg er the powers decide they will intervene in Greece .
12 Two people on opposite platforms and when the trains come they will go their different ways and not meet again .
13 If you then loop the curtains back you will get glimpses of the new lining , which will give it fresh interest .
14 Asked last year what he would do about the loss of his top stars , Grigorovich said defiantly : ‘ If the stars leave we will bring up another generation , and when they go , we will bring up another . ’
15 If they refuse , the lawyers say they will begin proceedings in the High Court for damages .
16 The men say they will picket the pits at Ystalyfera and Cwmllinfell .
17 But the police say they will prosecute where offences can be proved .
18 The boy took today off school to recover , but the police say he will continue with his newspaper round .
19 On the one hand , the Socialists say they will tackle corruption by introducing a new law on party financing .
20 These are already helping us to give a better service to our customers and as the systems develop they will allow us to have a more pro-active role in service .
21 But the makers hope it will come to our tv screens and to the cinemas later .
22 The firm says it will encourage teamwork and save money , but the unions say it will hit workers who are genuinely ill .
23 The developers hope it will link with the existing Magnetic Imaging Centre , which already operates a sophisticated body scanner .
24 Yamaichi economist Neil MacKinnon said : ‘ The polls suggest we will have a hung parliament , with Labour as the biggest party .
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