Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb pp] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the prisoners lodged at various police stations , Day and William Tidbury in Newbury , and Henry and Francis in Reading , evidence began to flood in .
2 At first , Charles found only 150 clansmen , all of them Macdonalds , waiting to greet him but then the distant skirl of bagpipes was heard and the Camerons , 700 or 800 strong , came down the hillside in orderly columns , escorting the prisoners captured at High Bridge .
3 The courses include the skills required at advanced craft level across engineering disciplines .
4 Apart from the various gifts of valuables and food and clothing which marked the exchanges between the principles , there were also certain standard payments in money ) which were made to the washerman who prepared the cloths used at various stages in the proceedings .
5 After c.973 all the pennies struck at numerous mints throughout the country ( including York ) bore the king 's name and portrait , and were produced from iron dies distributed by the government , so that all looked alike .
6 Moreover , at moments of crisis — notably in 1881 , 1903 , and October 1905 — the authorities connived at vicious pogroms against them .
7 In practice the particle sizes in the sediment are computed from the weights settled at specific time intervals .
8 This would be difficult to do if the chicks hatched at different times and were thus at different stages of development and strength .
9 There must , however , be some central point , some " nerve centre " , which will contain : ( a ) Some form of index to all the resources distributed at strategic points throughout the school .
10 At Tall Sukas between Tripolis and Laodikeia ( Latakia ) , the Danish excavator P. J. Riis found a Greek settlement with a temple which seems to have been built in the seventh century and rebuilt about 570 B.C. The Greeks remained at Tall Sukas at least until 500 B.C. to trade with Palestinians of any religious and national variety .
11 Over the next five days , events behind the scenes moved at breakneck speed , although with Admiral Thomson keeping the lid screwed down tight on the newspapers , radio and newsreels , the British public had little to feed on except rumours , and snippets not to be trusted but disturbingly suggestive — gleaned from German broadcasts .
12 ( The age-limits varied at different times : see 8:24 , 1 Chronicles 23:24 ) .
13 For years , local managers have hidden behind a national agreement , privately agreeing that pay levels or poor , that they have no influence on the decisions made at national level .
14 Indeed , we were hired to help identify the schemas held at different levels of the organization .
15 small firms with 2–3 partners should be included in the measures aimed at sole practitioners ;
16 What major differences are there in the choices made at various times for starting steel works at Sheffield , Rotherham and Scunthorpe ?
17 The caterers worked at full stretch and their kettle just managed to keep pace with the demand for tea .
18 Meanwhile the wipers worked at different speeds , and one travelled in a shorter arc than the other .
19 Examinations are most frequent in the early part of the test and on the samples stored at elevated temperatures .
20 Among the sea anemones sticking limply to the rocks exposed at low tide , there are , almost everywhere in the world , rather different lumps of jelly .
21 The well-defined rings ( fig. 7.6 ) are due to the difference in the cells produced at different times of the year .
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