Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [coord] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This means they just sent it off , hoping it would pass all the checks and get on the right flight .
2 Divide the cake mixture between the cans and place on a greased baking tray .
3 The students may measure the cans or refer to the information sheet for dimensions .
4 From Penberi you can either retrace your steps along the Ffos-y-Mynach and return to the road by Penberi Farm .
5 We can all go and invest in PEPs , we can all go and invest in pension plans and all of that gets taken by the institutions and put into the stock market .
6 Later when the video is finished they will all sit back and view each of the attempts and learn from the mistakes .
7 But I do know they would weigh up the dangers and think about the very fact that they could fly .
8 If you suspect , for example , that your neighbour intends to build on your land , or if your windows are going to be blocked so that no light can get through , or if an unreasonable nuisance is going to be caused , then your last hope may be to go to the courts and ask for an injunction .
9 Both these days will have to be self-financing and need a minimum of 30 people attending — therefore — please complete the slip at the end of the notes and return to the Office .
10 Sometimes when I 've been up early at home walking in the woods and come upon a roe deer close to , motionless , its alarm and scenting has reminded me of her .
11 2 Heat the raisins and peel with the rum or brandy and reserve .
12 You have to follow the rules and work at the right pace to make it work .
13 He described to me the glen in a storm — the darkness that mantles it , the springing into life of untold hosts of runlets , the careering in mad fury of the burns as they break through and tower above the channel wherein they are wont to flow ; the showers , the careering of the clouds , the thunderings and the lightning-flashings , and the artillery of the winds , as the air-gusts meet the peaks and explode in the hollows of the darksome corries .
14 The adventurers could use the information to denounce the suppliers to the authorities and hope for a reward ( or perhaps a Chaos cult declaring war on them ) , or less scrupulous characters might turn to blackmail , either for money or for magical training .
15 I walk back up the steps and stand in the open doorway with the gun smoking by my side .
16 Mix the solutions and cover with a coverslip .
17 Contact the solicitor or secretary of your local County or District Council to ask if you can visit the offices and talk about the job to one of the solicitors .
18 These are connected vertically to the idol along the spinal column , over the chakras and end at the head .
19 Damage can be done , particularly to young people in a choir or music group , if their director does not support the clergy and join in the worship , or does not receive Communion , for example .
20 There was a marvellous audacity about a ruler who had decided to enter the lists and joust against the elements .
21 You get the end of season and it 's if you look at the labels and go for the decent labels then you do n't get sort of , quite reasonable quality .
22 The road serves the village of Barashevo and sometimes the civilians have to stand behind the lines of the guards and wait for the columns of criminals to go by before they can proceed on their way .
23 I mean , you can do that in various ways , by inviting them all to come along , you know , have a Saturday down at , invite them to come along as representatives of the organizations and talk with the parish council
24 But we glimpse from time to time those considerations at work when courts examine the insurance position of the parties and reflect upon the implications of unlimited liability to an indeterminate number of plaintiffs .
25 Once set , pop out of the trays and transfer to a polythene bag .
26 Any schemes which promote the arts and lead to a wider understanding are obviously most welcome .
27 So while Maria Candida retched and wailed and dabbed at her nose in the cabin , Sara spent most of her time up on deck , either with Dom Alfonso , who was acting as Dom João 's agent , or — on the calmer days — further for 'd , where she could watch the porpoises leaping round the bows and listen to the creak of timber and the wind in the rigging .
28 ‘ Give me time to go to the ruins and look for a sign of Harry . ’
29 Shake the ingredients and pour into a small goblet .
30 Cos it people come off the sites or go to the corner shop , do n't cross the road .
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