Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [that] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Although he sounds the traditional warning that all electronics are aids to ‘ proper ’ navigation it is perhaps a sign of the times that he admits that many now see the chart-and- pencil methods as aids to the electronics …
2 However , it may incidentally erm come into the words that I use that erm er I 'm referring to the washed-over or other status of these two sites .
3 Erm and I think it 's exactly the same with some of the words that you know that I quoted earlier .
4 The Kuwait the Kuwait cities are designed in such a way that the military installations and erm are outside the country , so from the eyewitnesses that we receive that all the bombings are on the outskirts of the city , no damage to Kuwait City or to the civilians inside Kuwait .
5 And there was this awful woman , Mrs so and so , that was always telling women what to do and , she she was n't very popular because some of the things that she suggested that women did to make do and mend were so tedious and time consuming .
6 What are the things that you introduced that were different from previous mayors ?
7 What are the things that you introduced that were different from previous Mayors ?
8 He asked me to take a message to the Blackpool Conference conveying to the delegates that he felt that he could not lead the Party at the General Election , and inviting those whose business it was to do so , to take soundings about the future leadership .
9 Even in its inchoate beginnings , pop culture was forced to turn to the sexually divergent or avant-garde , for it was only in the spaces that they inhabited that this new world could be recognized and could develop .
10 And I think when we talk in terms in getting around to spending the money we have got then we need to look quite clearly about how you make a place more inviting and it 's also about when people come into the building how they 're met what the receptionists like , when they ring up can they get through and I mean I 'm I 'm surprised that 's said about the tickets that I think that our reception ticket areas an excellent area the people working there are first class are very friendly very helpful so it 's trying to get that sort of concept through the building I thin k we work on that I think the building 's kept very clean people who clean the building are very good but I hear what you 're saying and I thinks it 's been said earlier by the lady here by the foyer downstairs she feels threatened when she goes into that bar because I think the whole decor and the way it is is a threatening place I think we need to look at those so that was an old and .
11 And er I think i we thought from that well why not set up a women 's support group and er see what the reaction was really from from the women you know and an I and we said in that lodge meeting will you ask everybody all the women that you know that er are involved , the friends the girlfriends and wives , to come along the next Tuesday and we 'd have a meeting of our own .
12 I do n't know what I weigh now , but I can tell from the mirror and the clothes that I wear that there is , sadly , more of me than there was .
13 The Minister will know from many of the schemes that he visits that one of the carrots that they hold out to young people is the ability to drive vehicles off road and eventually to train for a full licence .
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