Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [pron] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Where did you get the inspiration for the hairstyles you created for the Awards ?
2 If you would like to help , please write a letter stating the following : ’ Dear Mayor Gordon , I have heard about the work of the Buklod Centre and the programmes it runs for the hospitality women , including health education , English lessons , income-generating projects and night care for children .
3 You would think we all agreed that acting to end third-world poverty was our number one priority , and that we would all , with barely a sigh of regret , give up our cars , our fridge-freezers and dishwashers , would cease commuting and return to live in the cities we abandoned for the good of our children , and would generally resume our lives as good citizens after 13 years in the desert .
4 The illustrations she produced for the book were based on copies of old master paintings .
5 The illustrations she produced for the book were based on copies of old master paintings .
6 It is normally also necessary to check whether the investments themselves qualify for the exemption and to obtain the putative counterparty 's consent and this will need detailed compliance procedures .
7 Since the values for E and G vary , of course , for each solid the values we get for the theoretical strengths will vary too .
8 He had no sense of give and take ; no idea of the concessions one made for the sake of social comfort .
9 I think that is a , there is a need to look into this , it is an area where we have n't looked into at the moment , and when you consider the valuable work that our staff in the D S O organisation does , and the profit it makes for this county council , and the savings it makes for the county council , it would be sensible for us to also look into building maintenance as well .
10 The journalists who worked for the popular newspapers were only concerned to please their readers , and the truth was irrelevant .
11 The pictures she shot for the cinema were negligible compared to the pictures she shot for pure publicity .
12 ‘ Practice ’ need not be eschewed as part of higher education ; but its presence in the curriculum must be justified in terms of the opportunities it affords for the student 's critical reflection .
13 The directors understand they have a credibility problem with the supporters who called for the sacking of the board at the end of last week 's drawn home game with Partick Thistle .
14 They had failed to change with the times , so the speeches they wrote for the Queen did her no favours .
15 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
16 And the traps he set for the villains would have killed them .
17 But when I did so , the words I uttered for the record were that I could not accept that the proper constitutional practices , as I understood them , were being observed .
18 It was the visitors who pressed for the meeting .
19 The key to an understanding of relief-giving is in the functions it serves for the larger economic and political order , for relief is a secondary and supportive institution .
20 Yong 's father was appalled at the idea , but was finally persuaded to invest in fifty tons of raw salt , to be used in the curing of the venison which abounded in the Eastern islands , as well as several hundred plastic chairs , and a quantity of spare diving equipment for the pearl-shellers who worked for the Aru branch of the Tan family .
21 Her conscious understanding of how she was using language is clear from the explanations she gives for the expressions she uses in the poem : ( on line 2 ) " She lived outside in the open , so the air was like her house " ; ( on line 5 " the streets were like a giant shop where she could pick and choose out of bins and gutters " ; ( on line 8 ) " this means she was close to nature and she felt like the yew was her mother " .
22 The origin legend of the Merovingians as recorded by Fredegar is important not only for its suggestion that the family claimed to be descended from a supernatural ancestor , but also for the implications it has for the rise of the dynasty .
23 Then we are to pray for the things we need for the doing of that holy will — food for the body and soul , forgiveness for the failures and sins of the past , and help to forgive others who sin against us , protection in temptation and deliverance from evil .
24 I am always at risk in the things I do for the Motherland , but idiots create the kind of additional risks one can not always allow for . ’
25 Two weeks later , the changes I wanted for the animals — shade , water , things like that — were done .
26 In fact , usually , he never saw the cheques he got for the ‘ Carry On ’ films .
27 the arrangements it makes for the admission of students on to the Bar Vocational Course ;
28 the arrangements it makes for the admission of students onto the Bar Vocational Course ; .
29 The Kurds who worked for the Turks killed her husband and children .
30 As father said at the beginning of gruelling sessions in the vacs , the techniques I needed for the next few years — apart from those concerned with sport — dealt not so much with manual skills but with communication , both written and oral .
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