Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [prep] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter we have been concerned with the sharp end of the political process — with the institutions on which rests the job of maintaining order and of enforcing the decisions of the political process , however reached , on any citizens or foreign persons who do not voluntarily accept them .
2 The nature of the economic system and the conflicts within it influence the changing rules of the game .
3 After his release he lived in Kent , preaching regularly in Rochester Cathedral and laying the foundations for what became the Quaker community there .
4 I think a good example to use with younger people with er pe with pensions as well is that the , the er the cutting down of funding that the government is making and it 's going to be hitting like the younger people and another important thing is like with the , with the Australia issue , I mean in Australia now it 's compulsory for everybody under the age of twenty five to have a personal pension and that r and that age rise is going to , that age limit is going to rise each time because they want to abolish the State pension completely and it was only , what , what about two months ago that there was , that there was er articles in I think it was The Times about them doing a similar operation in this country , you know ?
5 One of the main criticisms levelled at US and European transnational corporations in Asia , Africa and Latin America is that their operations are predominantly of the export processing variety , employing low wage workers ( mainly ‘ nimblefingered ’ young women ) in monotonous and often physically debilitating labour , the products of which constitute a small proportion of the value-added of the final commodity .
6 There is even evidence to suggest that elephants existed as far as the Upper Euphrates basin as late as the first millennium B.C. Syrian ivory contributed to the supplies available to New Kingdom Egypt and at the same time provided the material for the flourishing school of ivory workers based on Tyre , the products of which enriched the civilizations of the east Mediterranean and Assyria .
7 And here we may note that the definitions of what constituted a Soviet national appear to be unique and to derive from no other known document or authority .
8 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
9 Marseille 's foreign stars , Croat Alen Boksic and German international Rudi Voeller had earlier fired the Frenchmen into what looked an unassailable lead , but they had n't counted on Rangers ' indomitable spirit .
10 Anyway she 's gone round all the schools in you know the area .
11 If you move the shapes about they reflect the light in different ways
12 Charities equally look south , either with the eyes of one beholding a feast or of those deprived of a seat at the table .
13 And he wanted to make similar remarks about our initial belief that though we use the same language and agree on the words with which to describe the colours of the objects around us , still we might for all we know see the objects completely differently ; an object that causes in me what I call a sensation of red may cause in you what I would call a sensation of blue , though we can never know this since we will continue to agree on what to say and on how to act in our differently coloured environments ( we will all stop at a red traffic light , for instance ) .
14 ‘ Although the dates between the applications for NIE and BT3 will be fairly close , there should be no problem if investors want to use the proceeds of one to fund the other .
15 But then , having exhausted his recollections of the circumstances of his writing the paper , he switched to more personal matters and enquired carefully how I was getting on in a way that made me reel that my mission had been worthwhile and that I had by no means wasted his morning .
16 There are three basic considerations : ( 1 ) the need to avoid the consequences of a dissolution and winding up of the whole business ; ( 2 ) the need to define the circumstances in which leaving the partnership is permitted or made compulsory ; and ( 3 ) the need to anticipate the financial and administrative consequences of the departure of members of the firm .
17 Similarly he had to secure the papal lands and ensure that the revenues from them reaches the papacy .
18 The implications of it affect the whole world , it 's everything , everything you do , and demonstrates how things work and why they work .
19 Thanks to working late in the office , followed by the celebrations on her becoming a director of her firm , she had somehow omitted to have anything to eat .
20 Cultural artefacts and occurrences often previously perceived on the margins of what constituted the culture — for example how a culture defined and treated insanity — were recognised as an aid in revealing a great deal about the cultural orders celebrated at a society 's centre ( e.g. the way court ceremony was enacted ) .
21 Mrs Robinson was banished below decks and confined to the kitchens from which emerged a steady issue of victuals from forenoon to midnight .
22 The judge concluded that none of the documents or the contents of them satisfied the requirement of the kind of confidential information which an employer is entitled to prevent an ex-employee from using after the termination of the employer/employee relationship .
23 Size is not the main criterion , however , as has been shown by Winterton , the buildings of which occupy a large area , with no apparent country house ; it is essentially a working establishment with enough barns to suggest grain as one of its main products .
24 Just as the clinical professions can provide parents with the language and the concepts with which to take a negative view of the child , so they can provide the unwitting stimulus for the parent to enter a new , positive world in which things ‘ fall into place ’ .
25 Some of the nodes in it do a bit of computation , but the learning part is built just of RAM chips .
26 Girls , Millett argues , are fully cognisant of male supremacy long before they see their brother 's penis ; and what they envy is not the penis , but the things to which having a penis gives the boy access — power , status and rewards .
27 Rather it is a spiritual ( as well as physical ) unity which simply is what it is , and in which human beings exist as what they are , without itself having a point beyond itself or the things within it having a point beyond themselves .
28 Within a few decades , forests and animals had returned to the shattered islands which were all that remained of Krakatoa 's outer rim ; and from the waters between them emerged an ominous smoking mound , sometimes growing at a rate of more than three feet a month .
29 However , the Moderati of the Clavicles between them control a macro-cannon riding high on our carapace , and a defence laser too …
30 This is exactly what Chancellor Norman Lamont is about to do in order to find the resources with which to give the economy its required boost .
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