Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] and " in BNC.

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1 In Liverpool from late December 1888 the waterfront was seething with discontent , three major strikes took place , permanent unions emerged , the employers combined to oppose them and the traditional relationships between employers and employees were lastingly shattered " .
2 Forster , without consulting his officers , sent to Carpenter to ask for terms , though the Scots threatened to kill him and fight on .
3 The parents had invited him and two other members of Martin Frears ' alleged gang .
4 Then the Italians started to raid us and we had no fighter planes
5 We have found in the past that visitors have been most appreciative of the efforts made to inform them and have also been most complimentary on what they have seen .
6 The khthons had untied them and left a torch before locking the dungeon door .
7 In an incident in Cetekovac in eastern Croatia , more than 20 are said to have been killed , including unarmed civilians , by Serbian insurgents who attacked the village on 4 September 1991 ; an old man described to a visiting journalist how the insurgents had forced him and others to stand in line and shot dead one villager who tried to flee .
8 The teachers managed to corner him and grappled with his clothing .
9 Michael Green draws attention to the fact that the Gospels represent an entirely new literary form , which was neither history , nor biography , but a highly selective weaving together of fragments using preaching and teaching ‘ arranged in order to show what sort of person Jesus was , to give the evidence on which the disciples had followed him and had adjudged him the Messiah and Son of God , and by the strongest possible implication , challenge the readers to make the same act of faith in Christ as they themselves had done ’ ( Green 1970:229 , 230 ) .
10 Once the wheat reaches the milky-to-cheesy ripe stage , the badgers begin to eat it and damage a lot more by flattening it .
11 Meredith miserably eyed the bevy of beautiful women who 'd appeared , apparently friends of his , but the tears began to blind her and their faces blurred .
12 ‘ You do that , you pay a bill and you get a piece of paper in a language you do n't understand but it must be right because the lawyers have produced it and you have signed it . ’
13 If the children had found it and Rachel had pointed it at Matthew in a child 's game , I dread to think about the consequences .
14 14 Remember the students want to respect you and they want to learn ; you start off a class with a great fund of goodwill .
15 That 's what all the papers keep telling them and yet none of them take a blind bit of notice .
16 But she later told her parents the boys had raped her and they were quizzed by police for several days before the girl confessed to lying .
17 That is why the politicians want to muzzle us and control what we write and you read .
18 Oh yes , they 've paid for th all the workmen coming to do them and everything .
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